Visual Impairment

Information, support, and resources for families raising children who are blind or visually impaired, with or without additional disabilities.

ivan touching a tree

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Adventure Walks: Helping Your Child Who is Blind Move Around Outdoors

Getting your blind child outside and moving around in the community can help them develop motor skills as well as Orientation and Mobility skills.

Video Description for Blind Viewers

Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment

Audio Description for Blind Viewers

Video description for blind children: What is it? Where can I find it? What are the benefits?

A student using a braille note taker

Education, Visual Impairment

APH Quota Funds: How to Access Free Educational Materials for Blind & Deafblind Students

Students who are blind or deafblind are eligible for free school supplies and equipment that will help them access school curriculum. Find out how to use these funds!

ice cream cone christmas trees

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment

10 Sensory Christmas Activities for Children who are Blind

During the holidays we are baking, decorating and spending time with family and friends. Get your kids involved by having them help in the kitchen, create Christmas decorations or make...

TVI website banner

Visual Impairment

Teaching Students with Visual Impairments

This is a web resource designed for all teachers and related service personnel who are involved in educating students with visual impairments, but it is also full of great resources...

blind students exploring employment

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Helping Your Blind Child Transition to Adult Services

Beth Jordan from Helen Keller National Center's Kansas office shares her insights into preparing for transition to adult services for blind students.

A student learning braille in class

Education, Visual Impairment

Introducing Your Blind Child to a New Teacher

When your child is visually impaired it's kind of scary to hand him off to a new teacher. Here's a solution: Create a welcome packet of materials about your child...

A man using EyeMusic reaches for an apple

Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment

EyeMusic: Seeing with Sound

EyeMusic is a sensory substitution device that turns visual data into music so that blind users can hear what's around them. Users of EyeMusic wear glasses with a small video...

Abby smiling

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH): A Mother’s Perspective

LeAndra Lee writes about her daughter, Abigail, who is diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypopalsia and Septo Optic Dysplasia. LeAndra explains what ONH is and how it affects Abigail.

Ivan in the garden

Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment

Gardening with a Blind Child

Gardening is a very hands-on endeavor and children with visual impairments need the opportunity to get their hands into as many different real-world activities as possible, so how about starting...

Q & A

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Ask the TVI about Anophthalmia and Microphthalmia, Part 2

TVI Lisa LaDue answers readers' questions about O&M and TVI services and whether or not a visually impaired student should automatically be sat at the front of the classroom.

Wikki Stix for the Sight-Impaired

Toys, Visual Impairment

Wikki Stix for the Sight-Impaired

Wikki Stix are an easy way to create tactile graphics, assist with O & M training, map concepts, music lessons, daily living skills and much more. Since they adhere to...

Blind child touching a sensory board

Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment

Creating Sensory Activity Centers for Blind Children

Learn how to make an activity center for children with visual impairments. Using general hardware materials (like cardboard or peg-board) and other household items (like toys or kitchen utensils) you...

Matteo using Braille

Education, Visual Impairment

Thoughts from a Kindergarten Teacher About Welcoming a Blind Student to Class

Michelle interviews her son's mainstream kindergarten teacher and asks her how she prepared her classroom for a blind student. She also asks her if she has any advice for other...

Life-Size Shoots and Ladders Game

Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment

Activity Bank: Sensory Activities for Kids who are Blind

Find sensory activities that have been adapted to meet the needs of students who are blind or visually impaired.

broken ornaments

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment

How to Help Your Blind Child Survive (and maybe even enjoy) Christmas

A holiday survival guide for parents of children with sensory impairments.

church tower

Visual Impairment

Would you let your blind child jump out a window and repel down a wall?

Watch two videos of brave Elizabeth repelling down the side of a church steeple. She's got a lot of us adults beat in the daring department!

Accessible Candy Land

Toys, Visual Impairment

Accessible Candy Land!

Learn how to make an accessible version of your kids' Candy Land game that is perfect for children with visual impairments.

Ivan playing with his toy

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Helping Your Blind Baby Learn How to Reach for Objects

Susan Shier Lowry, an Orientation and Mobility specialist, writes about how you can encourage your child to reach out for objects and how reaching can help develop orientation skills needed...


Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

A Letter to New Parents Living with Microphthalmia

Jacalyn Paulding writes about growing up with microphthalmia. Living a full life as a smart and successful young woman, Jacalyn wants parents to understand what it's like to have low...

Q & A

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Ask the TVI about Anophthalmia and Microphthalmia

TVI Lisa LaDue answers readers' questions about protective eye glasses, testing blind children with assessment programs, and activities you can do at home to boost skills.

Blind Skills Videos

Visual Impairment

Blind Skills Videos

The Washington State School for the Blind has created a series of videos describing how to do simple tasks with little or no vision, such as how to zip a...

Ella with her first pair of blue prostheic eyes

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Ella’s Story: Raising a Child with Bilateral Anophthalmia

Jill writes about finding out that her daughter, Ella, is blind and how she responded. She explains how her faith in God helped her cope.

John Pitzen holding Ella

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

An Interview with John Pitzen about Bilateral Anophthalmia

MAPS interviews John Pitzen, a 53 year old man born with bilateral anophthalmia. MAPS asks John what he does for a living and what he does for fun.