At WonderBaby.org we are here to support parents and caregivers of young children who are blind by offering resources, ideas for play and toys and developing a strong community.
Even though the internet can reach people all over the world, we are still limited by language. Thanks to the generous translation work donated by Qatar Social & Cultural Center For Blind, Perkins Latin America and Laura K.M. Steinbusch we are able to provide articles to families in Arabic, Spanish and Dutch.
مصادر عربية من مركز قطر الاجتماعي والثقافي للمكفوفين
(Arabic Resources from QSCCB)
Recursos en Español de Perkins Latinoamérica
(Spanish Resources from Perkins Latin America)
Informatie in het Nederlands
(Dutch Resources)
Please let us know what you think about our international resources and if you would like to help to provide WonderBaby.org in more languages, just send us an email! You can contact us here.