Find our favorite hand-picked toys and gift ideas for kids of all abilities including lots of DIY toy ideas and toys that can encouragement child development.

Crayola Color Wonder Mess Free Paints
My son was asking to paint after he had at preschool a few times, and I was dreading the mess--but then I found these paints! He gets the same experience...

Orientation and Mobility, Toys
Go Wheelie: An Early Mobility Toy?
The Go Wheelie features an easy turning steering wheel and makes a fun clicking noise as children drive to their destination. It provides a fun, safe way for children to...

Adaptive Equipment for Dolls with Special Needs
Lakeshore Learning sells adaptive equipment that you can pair with any of their multiethnic school dolls. You can choose a doll that looks like your child (they offer many different...

Noggin Stik Developmental Light-up Rattle
The NogginStik Developmental Light-up Rattle lights up red, blue and green to stimulate a baby’s eyes and to encourage visual tracking. It has a textured body and is easy to...

The No Button
A very simple idea, but kind of ingenious at the same time, this button simply yells no! every time you press it.

Rainbow Sound Blocks
Each transparent block in this set contains different types of beads so each one makes a different sound which is great for kids learning to play with auditory cues. For...

Toys, Visual Impairment
Wikki Stix for the Sight-Impaired
Wikki Stix are an easy way to create tactile graphics, assist with O & M training, map concepts, music lessons, daily living skills and much more. Since they adhere to...

Special Needs, Toys
PlayAbility Toys: Special Toys for Special Kids
PlayAbility Toys creates toys designed specifically for children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive challenges and other challenges.

Puffer Balls
This simple ball is squishy and rubbery and makes a neat noise when you shake it. Great for helping with tactile defensiveness. If your child has light perception, you can...

Whack-a-Mole Tower
Find out about this whack-a-mole game that develops hand-eye coordination in kids with low vision. It's fun and there are lots of blinking lights and ringing bells for encouragement!

Toys, Visual Impairment
Accessible Candy Land!
Learn how to make an accessible version of your kids' Candy Land game that is perfect for children with visual impairments.

Battat Sound Puzzle Box
Every time you place a block in the correct hole, it slowly falls down the chute and makes a unique noise, so for kids with vision impairments there's some added...

Lamaze Chime Garden Musical Toy
Each flower makes a musical chime with just a soft tap. It's a very sweet sounding toy that doesn't take too much pressure to activate. It's a great way to...

Octotunes Musical Toy
Each leg on the octopus plays a different note when squeezed in a very airy and natural sound (this toy is not electronic so the sound is very peaceful). It...

Spin & Learn Top
The Spin & Learn Top is a simple toy that spins and lights up when you hit the plunger. The movement and lights are great for kids with low vision...