
As the parent of a baby or young child with special needs you need to find support. We're here to help! Learn how to locate support groups or just find the encouragement you need!

a mother who is sad


They told me feeling sad made me a bad mother

By admitting that my child's disabilities make me sad, I am saying that my child's existence brings me grief. By writing this in a public space, I am telling the...

woman on her smart phone


To my best friends and support network that I have never met

As the mother of a special needs child I need friends and support. Where is the best place for me to find a support network? Surprise! That's what social media...

Ivan smiling as a baby

Special Needs, Support

What I Wish Someone Had Told Me When My Child was First Diagnosed with a Disability

If you could go back in time to when your child was first diagnosed with a disability, what would you tell yourself? What advice would you give?

happy baby


Please Don’t Feel Sorry for Me or My Special Needs Child

I don't want my friends or family to feel sorry for me or for my child. I'm not saying this in a tough "I can handle this so you don't...

Woman meditating on a dock


The one thing I haven’t learned as a special needs parent

A lot of people write about what they've learned as a special needs parent, but there's one thing I still haven't learned yet.

two friends having coffee


An Open Letter to the Mom Who Just Wants to Help

Remember that you're my friend, not my therapist.

A collection of wines


Wine for Moms of Blind Kids

A glass of wine with dinner helps iron out the stresses of the day for lots of moms, but us special needs moms have more stresses than most!

little girl sticking out her tongue

Support, Visual Impairment

What I Will Say the Next Time Someone Asks an Insensitive Question About My Deafblind Daughter

"What's wrong with her eyes?" Do people ask you questions about your blind child? What do you say?

Lachlan using brailler

Support, Visual Impairment

Surviving the First 18 Months After Learning Your Child is Blind

Learning your baby is blind is hard... but you will move on! Janine says, "Life was continuing and I started to realize how strong we were becoming. The tears were...

baby feet with sand

Parenting, Support

When I Feel Alone as a Mom to a Child With Anophthalmia, I Remember This

Gwen writes about her baby daughter, Ivey, and the medical issues she faces. Gwen finds strength in her friends, family and even strangers who are drawn to her little girl.

woman in wheelchair with baby carrier attached

Parenting, Support

Disabled Parenting Project

The Disabled Parenting Project (DPP) is an online space for sharing experiences, advice, and conversations among disabled parents as well as those considering parenthood.

What if I die?

Parenting, Support

“What if I die?” Creating a care plan to combat the secret fear of every special needs parent

If you are the primary caregiver of a special needs child, you probably worry about what would happen if you were gone.

woman in a sauna


They told me to take care of myself, I told them I’ll sleep when I’m dead

Nicole writes about how difficult it is to find the time and money to get away on a vacation when you're the parent of a child with complex needs -...

The best resources for parents of visually impaired kids

Support, Visual Impairment

Most Popular Shared Resources for Parents of Blind Children

Each year, we see lots of really interesting and exciting resources for parents of blind children shared on Here are the 20 most popular resources shared in 2015!

The Caregiver's Notebook book cover

Parenting, Support

The Caregiver’s Notebook: An Organizational Tool and Support to Help You Care for Others

The Caregiver's Notebook gives those who care for someone with multiple needs a handy place to organize information.