Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

Ivan touching his cat

Math and Science, Visual Impairment

4 Creative Ways to Teach Blind Kids about Animals

Here are some fun and creative ways to teach your blind child about the animal kingdom. Have you ever thought about touching a real shark at a science museum?

Ivan at Grocery Store

Development, Visual Impairment

Everyday Activities for Blind Children

Simple ways to introduce your blind or disabled child to everyday activities and experiences. Teach your child about how the world works and the things people do every day.

Ivan signing bib

Communication, Visual Impairment

Sign Language for Blind Babies

Can sign language work for blind babies? Signs are made to be very visual, can blind babies really pick them up? We're here to tell you first hand, YES! We'll...

Ivan scooting through a tunnel

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Orientation & Mobility for Blind Babies

How to begin orientation and mobility (O&M) training for your blind infant - before they're even crawling!

Social Worker helping a blind child to get services

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Fighting for Services for Your Blind Child

Why is it so hard to find good help? In many states, services for visually impaired children, though mandated through strict federal laws, are very hard to come by. Many...

hand reading braille

Education, Visual Impairment

Six Reasons to Homeschool Your Blind Child

I asked a group of parents who homeschool their blind children to explain to me why they thought homeschool was the best option.

a family arguing depicted on finger art

Parenting, Support

Maintaining your relationship when you have a disabled child

Mary McDonach explores the high incidence of divorce among parents raising a disabled child. She advises devoting energy to your relationship plan in order to keep the partnership of parenting...


Visual Impairment

“So Dad, When Can I Go Surfing?” Letting Your Blind Child Experience Adventures in the World

Eric Vasiliauskas writes about encouraging independence and exploration in your blind children.

Logo of Tennessee School for the Blind

Schools for the Blind

Tennessee School for the Blind

Tennessee School for the Blind is located in Nashville.


Special Needs


Disability.gov is the U.S. government's portal to a library full of resources and contacts about disability.

EBU logo

Special Needs

European Blind Union

The European Blind Union is a non-governmental, non profit-making European organization founded in 1984. One of the six regional bodies of the World Blind Union, it is the only organization...

Parents and Children with Impairments

Support, Visual Impairment


FamilyConnect is an online, multimedia community created by the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) and the National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI).

blind user using GPS

Assistive Technology, Orientation and Mobility

GPS and mobility educational equipment

GPS and talking map software allows the blind traveler to keep the taxi driver honest, enjoy hearing about the sites and businesses being passed or know independently when to get...

kids laying in a circle

Visual Impairment

Helen Keller Services for the Blind

Helen Keller Services for the Blind helps people of all ages who are blind or visually impaired to develop independence and to participate actively and fully in their communities.

busy board idea

Visual Impairment

The Independent Little Bee: A little something for children with vision impairments & their families

This blog focuses on the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for visually impaired students and how to implement it into everyday life. There are posts with topics on all aspects of...