Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

Ivan eating lunch at Panera Bread


Is this as Good as it Gets?

Maybe things are good now, but you know they will just get harder as your child grows up. Disability doesn't get easier as kids get older! Are these days your...

Beautiful Madilyn

Visual Impairment

What Does it Mean to be Blind?

How can you explain blindness to your child when you are sighted? And how can you explain sight to a child who has never seen?

Sensory room


What would you buy for your special needs child if money wasn’t an issue?

Sometimes it's fun to live in fantasy land and imagine what we would give our kids if money were no object. What if you had a million dollars? What would...

Ivan playing with parachute

Play, Visual Impairment

Summer Activities for Kids who are Blind

Looking for summer tips and advice to help you keep your blind child active during the break? Join our summer blog party to get advice from parents just like you!

10 dollar bill


Changes Coming to Make US Currency Accessible

What's your opinion of the need for accessible currency in the US? Should we change our money so that it's accessible to the blind?

3D Printer

Math and Science, Visual Impairment

3D Printing for Visual Impairments

How can 3D printing enhance the life of a visually impaired child? From toys to tactile graphics to braille puzzles... the possibilities are endless!

Ivan in his mother's arms

Visual Impairment

The Day I Redefined Perfection as the Mother of a Blind Child

How can your baby be perfect if he can't see? Obviously there is something really wrong with his eyes, and isn't perfect the absence of wrong?

Ivan and mom in the bouncy house


Why a supportive community is so important for special needs kids!

Ivan wanted to join in the inflated obstacle course, but can a child with low muscle tone make it to the end of the course?

3D printed eye

Math and Science, Visual Impairment

3D Printing Innovations in Vision and Blindness

One extremely important use for the advancing 3D printing technology is within the medical field, and more specifically in the field of vision.

Accessible Preschool Arts & Crafts

Tactile Arts and Crafts, Visual Impairment

12 Easy Tips for Accessible Preschool Arts & Crafts for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Can a blind preschooler be included in preschool arts and crafts? Of course! With a little planning and forethought, preschool crafts can be completely accessible.

LightAide Lesson Plan from UAH Rise School

Education, Special Needs

Making Circle Time Accessible for All Students

This lesson plan from UAH Rise School incorporates the Lily LightAide in making their circle time routine accessible for students of all abilities.

Netflix logo

Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment

Netflix Announces Accessibility Feature for Blind Users

On April 14, 2015, Netflix officially announced the addition of audio description tracks for viewers who are visually impaired.

Ivan at the Shark and Ray Touch Tank

Visual Impairment

12 Tips for an Accessible Zoo Visit for Kids who are Visually Impaired

Can the zoo be accessible for a blind child? Of course! Find tips from moms on how to make your visit to the zoo meaningful and enjoyable.

Book cover of

Autism, Behavior

Raising A Sensory Smart Child

For children who struggle to process everyday sensations and exhibit unusual behaviors such as avoiding or seeking out touch, movement, sounds, and sights.

Ivan playing with Bead Maze

Toys, Visual Impairment

10 Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Toy for a Child who is Blind

The next time you're in a toy store or department store looking for toys for your child who is blind or visually impaired, keep these 10 questions in mind!