Special Needs
Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.
Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

Please Don’t Feel Sorry for Me or My Special Needs Child
I don't want my friends or family to feel sorry for me or for my child. I'm not saying this in a tough "I can handle this so you don't...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
Top 8 Misconceptions about Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)
Do you know the facts of Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)? Here are 8 myths you may have heard that just aren't true!

Education, Special Needs
Funding Accessible Learning Tools in 4 Easy Steps
The problem isn't that you need to find the perfect learning tool for your child... the problem is finding a way to afford the perfect learning tool for your child!

Visual Impairment
Visiting a Tactile Museum with Your Blind Child
Tactile museums are designed for visitors to touch each exhibit and experience the art and history through their fingers.

The one thing I haven’t learned as a special needs parent
A lot of people write about what they've learned as a special needs parent, but there's one thing I still haven't learned yet.

Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment
Is Google Planing to Cure Blindness?
With recent patent filings and new applications for Google Glass, it does look like Google is interested in getting into the vision business.

Visual Impairment
Can Someone Who is Blind Be a Parent?
The Parenting with Vision Loss series from VisionAware provides helpful tips and advice from a genuine expert.

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment
Do Blind Kids Still Need to Learn Braille?
From screen readers like JAWS on your computer or VoiceOver on your iPhone to audio books and MP3s, there are multiple ways to listen to words rather than read them,...

Education, Special Needs
When our school gave up on my special needs son
Are you a parent of a special needs child whose school isn't working hard enough to help him reach his goals? A message to you: Never give up.

Education, Visual Impairment
Is Early Intervention Always the Best Approach for a Blind Baby?
Anastasia writes about her daughter Lydia, who has anophthalmia. Lydia is still a baby and Anastasia has decided that Early Intervention services are not helping Lydia develop so she's opting...

Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment
NFB and Amazon Work Together for Improved Kindle Accessibility
NFB joins forces with Amazon to improve Kindle accessibility for blind students

Assistive Technology
Get a computer for your blind child!
Computers for the Blind provides computer equipment for families of children who are blind.

Assistive Technology
FCC Proposes Increased Audio Description Access
The FCC seeks comments on the rules proposed to increase access to audio description for blind viewers.

Math and Science, Visual Impairment
Tactile Caliper Provides Braille Output for Blind Users
The Tactile Caliper puts measuring to the 1/16" in the hands of blind users with braille output!

Visual Impairment
Sensory Sun Resources for Kids Who are Visually Impaired
Sensory Sun Educational Technologies is a website that shares information about raising and teaching children with visual impairments.