Special Needs
Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.
Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

Special Needs, Support
What I Wish Someone Had Told Me When My Child was First Diagnosed with a Disability
If you could go back in time to when your child was first diagnosed with a disability, what would you tell yourself? What advice would you give?

Autism, Behavior
6 Strategies for Addressing Self-Injurious Behaviors
Self injurious behaviors are, unfortunately, not unusual for kids with special needs. These behaviors could be anything from biting, hitting or even banging their head on the walls or furniture....

5 Tips to Becoming a Legislative Advocate for Your Special Needs Child
Penny discusses how to become more active in advocating for your child through the legislative system. When you have a child with a disability you need to be heard -...

Advocacy, Visual Impairment
This Blind Boy Can! How to Teach Your Child Independence and Start a Movement
Sarah writes about the journey her family has traveled as they've taught their blind son Lucas to be as independent as possible. And now she wants to start a movement!...

Special Needs
Beyond Bake Sales: How to Raise Money So You Can Attend a Family Conference
Conferences for families of children with disabilities are the perfect places to meet people and learn about your child's condition, but they can be so expensive! Here are ideas that...

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment
Talking Easter Eggs: Making Easter Accessible for Kids who are Blind
Talking or beeping easter eggs make Easter much more fun and inclusive for children who are blind or visually impaired. We'll show you a couple of places where you can...

Assistive Technology, Eye Conditions and Syndromes, iPad Apps and Accessibility
The “Big 3 Tool Kit” for Children with CVI: PLUS the 20 Best CVI-Friendly iPad Apps!
Children with CVI often prefer clear, crisp images with little background clutter. They respond well to high contrast, bright colors (especially yellow or red), movement and LIGHTS!

Cooking and Kitchen Play, Visual Impairment
What can your blind child learn while baking in the kitchen?
The kitchen is the perfect place to teach your visually impaired child important life lessons. Think about all the things you learn just while making cookies!

Autism, Behavior, Visual Impairment
Is My Blind Child Autistic? One Parent’s Experience
Mary discusses trying to determine if her daughter's behaviors were related to her visual impairment or a symptom of autism.

Behavior, Visual Impairment
Plays Well with Others: Helping Your Blind Child Develop Social Skills
Sometimes children with vision impairments can find it difficult to be around other children. If your child has this problem, then you know how hard it can be when your...

Communication, Visual Impairment
You Can Say That Again! Echolalia in Visually Impaired Children
Learn why children who are visually impaired repeat back what they hear, and how parents can help minimize repetition in a constructive way.

An open letter to protestors from a special needs mom
I support your right to have your voice heard, but I have one request: Please keep your protest on the sidewalk.

Light Play, Toys, Visual Impairment
Top 10 Light Toys for Kids Who Are Visually Impaired
It may seem like $10 won't get you much these days, but here you'll find the best inexpensive light toys for kids who are visually impaired!

Parenting, Visual Impairment
My baby is blind… What do I do?
When your baby is diagnosed with a visual impairment you may at first feel lost. What do you do? Where do you begin?

Education, Visual Impairment
Diagnostic Evaluations help guide educational plans for blind students
Perkins School offers diagnostic evaluations for blind and visually impaired children ages 3-22.