Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

child eating with a spoon

Feeding and Eating, Visual Impairment

Teaching a Blind Child How to Use a Spoon Independently

Tips, ideas and resources for teaching your blind child how to scoop and use a spoon on their own without using hand over hand techniques.

Blind girl reading in braille

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment

3 Tips for Teaching Young Children with a Visual Impairment How to Become Strong Readers

Here are 3 tips to get your child off to a great start with their braille reading skills. Learn how you can help them become strong readers!

crawling baby

Crawling, Visual Impairment

Crawling & Climbing for Blind Babies

Crawling and climbing are two very important developmental milestones for babies and children who are blind. Some babies may skip these steps or reach them later than their typically developing...

a girl in class looking frustrated

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Learning Advocacy When You Have Low Vision

L. Penny Rosenblum is a TVI, a parent and student advocate, and has a vision impairment. She writes about what it was like learning to advocate for herself as a...

sensory bottles

Visual Impairment

Positive Eye: Training and resources for practitioners working with children with vision impairment

Positive Eye was established five years ago to offer a consultancy and training service to professionals and parents on meeting the educational needs of children and young people with visual...

tactile easter eggs

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment

Decorating Tactile Easter Eggs with Your Blind Child

Tips and ideas for making accessible tactile Easter eggs with kids who are blind or who have multiple disabilities.

boy kissing his hand

Communication, Visual Impairment

Teaching Your Visually Impaired Child Sign Language

Jennie writes about how she taught her son, Max, to sign. Max is totally blind and does have a few verbal words, but using signs to augment his early communication...

stacking blocks

Education, Special Needs, Visual Impairment

Thoughts from a Preschool Teacher About Teaching a Blind Student

Heidi interviews her son's mainstream preschool teacher and asks her how she prepared to introduce a blind student to her classroom.

blind child listening

Communication, Visual Impairment

Helping your blind child develop effective listening skills

Learning to listen carefully and distinguish between different sounds is an important skill for any child, but espeically for children with visual impairments. Lesley Potgieter explains how to assess your...

woman on her smart phone


To my best friends and support network that I have never met

As the mother of a special needs child I need friends and support. Where is the best place for me to find a support network? Surprise! That's what social media...

Ivan playing on his iPad

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Special Needs

5 Ways to Get a Free iPad for Your Special Needs Child!

Just because iPads are cheaper than other pieces of assistive equipment doesn't necessarily make them affordable! Here are five tips on how to get grants and funding for a free...

How to Host a Sensory Play Party for Visually Impaired Kids

Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment

How to Host a Sensory Play Party for Visually Impaired Kids

If your child has a sensory impairment like blindness should you still search out sensory play activities? Absolutely! Learn how to make sensory play accessible and host a sensory play...

Ivan and his switch

Assistive Technology, Communication

Switch Play: Using a switch for communication and play!

For children who are non-verbal or have low motor coordination, switches can be a great way to augment their play. If you're just getting started with a switch you may...

Transitioning your blind child to preschool

Education, Visual Impairment

Transitioning Your Blind Child to Preschool

Megan writes about her daughter, Ava, transitioning from Early Intervention to preschool. Ava attended the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children and has isolated bilateral anophthalmia.

girl rubbing her eyes

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

My child has LCA and presses her eyes. Is this normal? What can we do about it?

If your blind child is pressing or poking their eyes you may be looking for information on why they are doing this and what you can do to help them...