Special Needs
Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.
Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

Development, Visual Impairment
Helping Your Blind Baby Develop Through Play: Setting Developmental Goals and Tracking Progress
As the parent of a visually impaired child, I'm sure you worry about your baby's development, both physically and cognitively. How can you be sure that you're doing all that...

Toys, Visual Impairment
Choosing the Best Toys for Your Blind Baby
How do you know which toys will work best for your blind baby? Here are some of our favorite toys that are accessible and inexpensive too!

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) FAQ
All your questions about Leber's Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) are answered here in one place. Don't see your question? Then just send us an email and we'll get right on it!

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment
Ivan’s Christmas Wish List: Gift ideas for kids who are blind
Ivan loves presents and he's really good at picking out the toys he wants. Here is Ivan's wish list for toys and games this year... maybe you can find some...

Schools for the Blind, Visual Impairment
Foundation for Blind Children
FBC services for infants, up to age three, are provided in the family home with the goal of educating and empowering parents to facilitate optimal learning and development of their...

Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment
Feelif is making photos and the environment more accessible for kids who are blind!
Feelif just released two applications that will help blind and visually impaired users have a better understanding of their surroundings and of photos.

Parenting, Special Needs
Home Sweet Group Home?
When is the right time to move your special needs child out of the house and into a group home?

Education, Special Needs
How Statewide School Testing Discriminates Against Special Needs Students
Is it always appropriate to test students, even those with severe disabilities? And can standardized tests be considered discriminatory, even when alternative testing options are offered to special needs students?

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment
How access to an ipad can change a blind child’s life
For children who are blind or visually impaired, iPads represent multi-purpose, portable Assistive Technology devices that can replace expensive AT devices.

Parenting, Support
To the Mother Whose Life Isn’t Taking the Path She Expected
The path of a special needs parent is hard, but you need to choose happiness. You feel countless emotions, each and every one of them, and at some point you...

Parenting, Special Needs
I Lost My Daughter. Even though She is Alive, I Lost Her, and I Grieve Her all the Time
Having a special needs child is a lifelong grieving process. Each new milestone that does not happen is a painful reminder of what you've lost.

Parenting, Special Needs
Something Happened While I was Waiting for My Daughter to Tell Me She Loves Me
If your child is nonverbal they may not be able to say, "I love you." But they can express their love in so many other ways!

How to Work with Difficult Doctors & Therapists
As the parent of a disabled child you probably have to meet with quite a few doctors and therapists. What can you do if you just don't agree with their...

Advocacy, Parenting
Family vs Ableism: What I’ve Learned As a Mother of a Child with a Disability
Is it more important to be worried about how you're presenting yourself and your family to the outside world and the wider disability community, or to focus on the needs...

Assistive Technology, iPad Apps and Accessibility
Feelif: The Accessible Tactile Tablet for Kids who are Visually Impaired
Feelif is a tactile tablet that is able to combine native features of the Samsung tablet, like vibrations and the built-in screenreader, with a tactile surface to create a whole...