Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

mom reading medication labels

Health & Nutrition, Special Needs

Managing Medications: 7 Tips for Parents of Medically Complex Kids

When you have a child with complex medical issues chances are they are taking multiple medications. Learn how to make managing meds easier.

blind boy walking down stairs

Visual Impairment

Childproofing Your Home for Your Blind Child

Blind kids are very good at mapping their environment and can learn to get around their home safely, but there are things you can do to make that easier.

little girl sleeping in bed

Sleep, Special Needs

Top 10 Special Needs Beds (and How to Pay for Them)

We list the top special needs beds and their features so you can find the bed that best meets your requirements.

baby in a play space

Visual Impairment

Defined Spaces: How to Create Big and Small Playspaces for Children Who are Visually Impaired

A defined space is any area in which meaningful objects are kept in predictable, accessible, and easily detectable locations.

a yellow lab puppy

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Southeastern Guide Dogs

Southeastern Guide Dogs places skilled companion dogs with children with vision loss and guide dogs with teens as young as fifteen.

covid vaccine

Autism, Health & Nutrition

Getting My Special Needs Son the COVID Vaccine: One Mom’s Mission

While others debate the pros and cons of the COVID-19 vaccine, some desperate special needs families hopelessly search for resources to get their kids vaccinated.

a little girl opening a christmas present

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment

The Best Christmas Toys for Blind Children!

Find the best toys for blind or visually impaired babies and children for Christmas. For all ages and all abilities!

baby girl sitting on the floor with a stacking toy

Toys, Visual Impairment

Toys for Blind Children: 7 Tips to Help You Choose the Best Toys

How do you know which toys will work best for your blind child? We'll give you tips on how to choose the best toys!

toddler playing with a train set

Toys, Visual Impairment

8 Really Fun Toys for Blind Toddlers

How do you know which toys will work best for your visually impaired toddler? Here are some of our favorite toys for blind two and three year olds.

accessible sensory play kits for kids who are blind

Sensory Activities, Toys, Visual Impairment

7 Best Accessible Sensory Play Kits for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Accessible sensory activity kits for blind children are easier to find than you might think and we've been through a lot of them!

girl sleeping in her Safety Sleeper

Sleep, Special Needs

The Safety Sleeper: A Versatile and Safe Special Needs Bed Solution

The Safety Sleeper is a customizable, fully enclosed special needs bed that is appropriate for both home and travel use.

two young children playing with a toy

Toys, Visual Impairment

The Best Toys for Blind Kids and Where to Find Them

How to choose the BEST developmental toys and activities for children who are blind, deafblind or multiply disabled.

smiling mother with her child

Support, Visual Impairment

Lighthouse Guild’s National Tele-Support Network

Whether you are a parent of a child with visual impairment, a high school student, young adult, or an adult navigating vision loss, there is a tele-support group for you!

Center for the Visually Impaired

Schools for the Blind, Visual Impairment

Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI)

The Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI) is a comprehensive, fully-accredited nonprofit facility in Atlanta, Ga. that provides services, support and training to people of all ages who are blind...

toddler holding crayons

Tactile Arts and Crafts, Visual Impairment

Tactile and Raised Line Coloring Books for Kids Who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Can coloring books really be accessible for kids who are blind? Yes! Find places to buy raised line coloring books or learn how to make your own!