Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

Group of kids stretching on colorful fitness mats.

Special Needs

10 Vestibular Input Activities and Toys

The vestibular system helps us to maintain postural control, balance, and coordination. Try these fun vestibular input activities and toys with your child!

A visually impaired baby boy in PT reaches for a toy.

Development, Visual Impairment

Development Charts for Blind and Visually Impaired Babies and Children

Blind children may have delayed development in several key areas. These development charts outline milestones for visually impaired babies.

Caregiver using a lift to place a child in a wheelchair.

Special Needs

What Is Adaptive Equipment… And How To Pay for It

Adaptive equipment and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) can increase your child’s independence and ease the physical burden on caregivers.

blind baby crawling

Crawling, Visual Impairment

When does a blind baby start crawling?

When does a blind baby usually start to crawl? When should I start to be worried that there is another issue besides blindness?

Boy trying to solve math equations in front of blackboard.

Autism, Development

What Is Fluid Reasoning and Why Is It Important?

If a child struggles to learn new ways to do things, it may be a problem with fluid reasoning. Learn about fluid reasoning, its importance, and ways to improve it.

Happy little boy is practicing yoga on his balcony with a panoramic view of the big city.

Special Needs

11 Proprioceptive Input Activities and Toys

While proprioception is commonly addressed in physical and occupational therapy, there are a number of proprioceptive activities you can play with your child at home.

Young boy at physical therapy.

Fine and Gross Motor, Special Needs

What Does a Pediatric Physical Therapist Do?

Learn how to prepare for your child’s first physical therapist appointment so you can feel confident that they are getting the care they need.

Autistic boy having a meltdown and throwing a toy.

Autism, Behavior, Visual Impairment

Managing Difficult Behaviors in Children Who Are Blind and Autistic

Parents of children who are blind and autistic often face unique challenges when it comes to managing behavioral issues. Many traditional behavioral management techniques rely on visual supports, which can...

Young boy looking at a light up toy in a dark room.

Toys, Visual Impairment

10 Cortical Visual Impairment Toys for Kids With CVI

It's important to choose toys that are relatively simple in design, as complex patterns can be overwhelming for children with CVI.

Little girl with special needs making her own breakfast.

Feeding and Eating, Special Needs

Developing Self-Care Skills in Children with Disabilities

Mastering self-care skills can be especially empowering for children with disabilities, helping them to gain independence and confidence.

Little girl with special needs drinking from a straw.

Product Reviews, Special Needs

11 Best Tools for Teaching Self Care to Disabled Kids

For children with disabilities, adaptive tools are essential for learning how to master self-care skills like grooming, hygiene, and self-feeding.

CVI Toddler Vision Eye Training App

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

CVI Toddler Vision Eye Training App

This free digital visual training tool for computer or mobile devices is designed to help toddlers with CVI practice their visual skills.

Partners for Sight logo

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment

Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight

Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight is dedicated to fostering the independence of people who are blind and visually impaired.

Boy turning on light.


Understanding Visual Stimming in Children with Autism

Children with autism may employ visual stimming to self-soothe. Find out more about visual stimming and ways to manage this often challenging behavior.

Mom writing near toddler kid with down syndrome and preschooler girl.

Special Needs

Developing Verbal Comprehension in Special Needs Children

Developing verbal comprehension in special needs children can be particularly challenging. Here are some ways to improve verbal comprehension.