Schools for the Blind

Find a list of all Schools for the Blind and other programs for children who are visually impaired in the United States, plus resources to help you find the right school.

Western Pennsylvania school front

Schools for the Blind

Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children

Western Pennsylvania School for the Blind serves children who are visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities.

NCECBVI header boy reading

Schools for the Blind

Nebraska Center for the Education of Children Who are Blind or Visually Impaired

NCECBVI believes communication is the key to effectiveness when it comes to the education of children with vision issues. Located in Nebraska City, they serve children from preschool to high...

Schools for the Blind

Clovernook Center for Blind and Visually Impaired

Clovernook provides comprehensive program services including training and support for independent living, orientation and mobility instruction, vocational training, job placement, counseling, recreation, and youth services.


Schools for the Blind

Minnesota State Academy for the Blind

Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB), located in Faribault, is dedicated to helping students who are blind and visually impaired in Minnesota to reach their full potential, through residential...

NYSSB banner

Schools for the Blind

New York State School for the Blind

New York State School for the Blind's mission is to provide a learning environment that encourages blind children to reach their full potential.

Washington State School for the Blind

Schools for the Blind

Washington State School for the Blind

Washington State School for the Blind serves children from birth to age 21 in Washington State.

West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind

Schools for the Blind

West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind

The West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind educate students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind and low vision.

LCB Logo

Schools for the Blind

Louisiana Center for the Blind

The Louisiana Center for the Blind provides residential orientation and adjustment training to legally blind adults. Students remain in training generally from six to nine months depending upon individual needs.

man walking with a cane

Schools for the Blind

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision at Mississippi State University

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision's mission is to enhance employment and independent living individuals who are blind.


Schools for the Blind

Council of Schools for the Blind

The Council of Schools for the Blind (COSB) is a consortium of specialized schools in Canada and the United States whose major goal is improving the quality of services to...