If you're pregnant and have questions about birth, labor, or delivery, our team of experts is here to help!

7 Things to Do Before Your Baby Arrives
The third trimester is a busy time of preparing for birth and bringing your baby home. There are many arrangements and decisions to make before your baby arrives.

Watery Discharge During Pregnancy: Should You Worry?
Watery vaginal discharge can be a normal finding throughout pregnancy. Contact your healthcare provider if you have concerns regarding abnormal watery discharge.

The Third Trimester Checklist: Preparing for Your Baby
Is your due date coming up? This third trimester checklist will help you to prepare your home for your new baby, pack your hospital bag, and make a birth plan.

How Long Does Postpartum Swelling Last?
Postpartum edema can last one to two weeks during postpartum recovery. There are many ways to reduce postpartum swelling.

11 Amazing Baby Shower Themes for Girls
Looking for unique baby shower themes for girls? These adorable ideas will leave your guests in awe.

22 Postpartum Essentials to Optimize Your Recovery
Having all of your postpartum items ready before baby arrives will make life easier after delivery. Start planning now with this postpartum essentials checklist.

15 Amazing Baby Shower Game Prizes to Surprise & Delight
Baby shower game prizes add an element of fun and liven up any shower. These prizes are sure to delight all your guests!

Do You Need to Check Your Cervix During Pregnancy?
While not required, a cervix check can provide you and your doctor with valuable information in the final weeks of pregnancy as the birth of your baby nears.

When’s the Best Time to Get an Epidural During Labor?
Getting an epidural is safe and effective for managing pain during active labor. Find out the best time for you to get an epidural during labor.

How to Speed Up Labor After Losing Your Mucus Plug
Losing your mucus plug can be an early sign of labor. You should see your healthcare provider if you lose your mucus plug before 37 weeks.

What Does the Hospital Provide After Birth?
Hospitals often provide items to take home after giving birth. Find out what the hospital may provide after birth for you and your baby.

Dealing With the “Ring of Fire” During Birth
Breathing techniques, position, and massage can all help you deal with the “ring of fire” during birth.

How Long After Implantation Do hCG Levels Rise?
HCG is the primary hormone in the successful growth of a fertilized egg. Find out what the levels of hCG mean and how that relates to a healthy pregnancy.

15 Healthy Snacks to Have in Your Hospital Bag for Labor & Recovery
Packing your hospital bag and wondering what food to bring? We’ve got the ultimate list of snacks for your hospital bag.

Postpartum Foot Pain: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Postpartum foot pain is caused by inflammation at the bottom of your foot. Wear supportive shoes and massage your feet to improve your symptoms.