If you're pregnant and have questions about birth, labor, or delivery, our team of experts is here to help!

How To Deal With an Ingrown Hair on a C-Section Scar
Ingrown hairs on a C-section scar can be treated using a warm compress or mild exfoliation. Infected ingrown hairs may require antibiotic treatment.

What’s a Dye Stealer Pregnancy Test?
A dye stealer pregnancy test usually means that your hCG levels are very high, which is typically considered a good sign for pregnancy.

Can Yelling Cause a Miscarriage?
Yelling alone can not cause a miscarriage. However, maternal stress can cause high blood pressure, preterm labor, and other health problems.

I Feel Rejected by My Husband While Pregnant. What Should I Do?
I’m feeling rejected by my husband during pregnancy; how can I help him to open up and improve our relationship? Communication is key to a healthy relationship.

6 Errors That Could Make Your Pregnancy Test Invalid
No matter what you hope your result is, taking a pregnancy test is a big deal. Avoiding testing errors will ensure you get an accurate result.

When Can I Pee After Inserting a Progesterone Suppository?
In order to absorb the entire dose of medicine, you shouldn’t pee for some time after inserting a progesterone suppository. Here’s what you need to know.

Is Nausea a Sign of Labor? 7 Signs & Symptoms To Watch For
Feeling nauseated toward the end of your pregnancy? You could be starting the first stages of labor. Here’s everything you need to know, plus other signs to look for.

When Do Pregnancy Cravings Start?
You always hear about food cravings during pregnancy, but what really are these cravings, and when do they start? Learn everything about pregnancy food cravings here!

Can Twins Really Cause a False Negative Pregnancy Test?
Twin pregnancies can cause false negative pregnancy tests in some women. If you have missed a period but are testing negative, you may need an ultrasound test.

7 Signs Ovulation Is Over
Tracking your ovulation symptoms can help you with family planning and preparation for your next menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy, Product Reviews
7 Best Pregnancy-Safe Protein Powders of 2023
Protein powders can help you meet your dietary needs during pregnancy. Choose supplements with low-added sugar and no artificial flavors.

When Should a Baby Be Head Down During Pregnancy?
The safest way for a baby to be delivered is with their head facing down. A baby should be head down by around 37 weeks but may flip later.

Dos and Don’ts Before Labor Induction: How to Prepare
Just like any other type of delivery, there are dos and don'ts to keep in mind before labor induction. Here’s what you need to know before your induction.

How Long Does It Take for Your Uterus to Shrink After Pregnancy?
Your uterus should return to its normal size 6-8 weeks after your baby’s birth. Breastfeeding and uterine massage can help your uterus shrink.

9 Amazing Baby Shower Themes for Boys
Whether you’re looking for something cute, quirky, or simple, we’ve got plenty of fantastic baby shower themes for boys for inspiration.