Discover fun and creative ideas to encourage play time with toys, light play, music, multi-sensory activities and tactile art. Also find seasonal holiday crafts!
Filter by: Cooking and Kitchen Play, Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Light Play, Music Play, Sensory Activities, Tactile Arts and Crafts, Toys

Sensory Activities
How To Create a Sensory Corner
If you're looking for resources to help your child's sensory regulation, look no further than a sensory corner! Learn how to create the perfect sensory corner.

Tactile Arts and Crafts
10 Surprising Ways Origami Can Empower Blind Children
Accessible origami presents a myriad of benefits for blind children. Learn how to get started with this paper folding craft!

Play, Sensory Activities
Rainbow Playdough Cutting Station
This rainbow playdough cutting station is perfect for fine motor skill practice. Grab your playdough supplies and have some fun with your little one!

Play, Tactile Arts and Crafts
Watercolor Popsicle Painting for Kids
This watercolor popsicle painting activity is easy and adorable. With just a few steps and materials, your child can create their own popsicle painting.

Cooking and Kitchen Play, Feeding and Eating
17 Delicious Vegan Snack Ideas Your Kids Will Love
Looking for vegan snacks for kids that aren’t boring? These delicious plant-based ideas will delight your child and keep them full.

Fine and Gross Motor, Play
8 Fun Yoga Poses for Toddlers
Yoga for toddlers is the perfect activity for your high-energy, curious, daring child. Harness their natural enthusiasm by teaching this ancient discipline.

7 Fun Outdoor Activities for Toddlers
Did you know children should spend at least a couple of hours outdoors each day? These fun outdoor activities for toddlers will help the time fly.

Unleashing Fun with the 7 Best Board Games for Toddlers
Family game night has never been more fun now that you can get the littlest members of your crew involved! Don't miss out on the best board games for toddlers.

5 Tips for Teaching Your Child to Ride a Bike
If your child is desperate to learn, you’re probably wondering how to teach a kid to ride a bike. Soon you’ll be heading out on your first family bike ride.

Play, Toys
Ingenious Toy Storage Ideas to Revolutionize Your Space
Your home doesn't have to be overwhelmed by toys, even in the throes of raising tiny humans. Revolutionize your space with these ingenious toy storage ideas today!

Cooking and Kitchen Play, Feeding and Eating
17 Creative Meal Ideas to Entice Your Picky Eater Toddler
Looking for picky eater toddler ideas for mealtimes? These meals are sure to entice your little one to the table.

Safe Playgrounds: How To Prevent Injuries
Playgrounds are places for children to have fun, but it’s also vital to supervise your children and understand playground safety to avoid a potential injury.

Cooking and Kitchen Play, Feeding and Eating
Easy & Nutritious Snacks for Kids To Make Themselves
Instill important values while also taking one less chore off your plate by teaching your kids to make these nutritious, easy snacks by themselves.

Play, Sensory Activities
7 DIY Mess-Free Sensory Bags
DIY mess-free sensory bags entertain little ones and encourage sensory play and exploration of their senses.

Product Reviews, Toys
The 5 Best Montessori Toys for Toddlers (1-2 Years Old)
The Best Montessori toys for toddlers encourage the development of life skills, allowing fun simultaneously. Here’s a look at our top picks.