Discover fun and creative ideas to encourage play time with toys, light play, music, multi-sensory activities and tactile art. Also find seasonal holiday crafts!
Filter by: Cooking and Kitchen Play, Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Light Play, Music Play, Sensory Activities, Tactile Arts and Crafts, Toys

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Tactile Arts and Crafts
Autumn Wreath Art Project
Learn how to make an autumn wreath sensory art project with your blind child. It's easy and fun!

Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Braille Letters from Santa
Learn how your blind child can receive a braille letter from Santa this Christmas and really feel like they are part of the celebration.

Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Make Your Own Simple Jack-O-Lantern
My favorite jack-o-lantern idea is to stick velcro stickers to the pumpkin and then mix and match felt shapes as the eyes and mouth. It's simple, there's no carving involved...

Play, Special Needs
Recreational Resources for Children with Special Needs in Massachusetts & New England
A comprehensive list of organizations and programs providing physical activity opportunities for children with special needs in New England.

Music Play, Visual Impairment
Music as Motivator for our Visually Impaired Kids
Music can be a great way to stimulate a visually impaired baby, but where do you begin? We'll give you some practical ways to incorporate music into your baby's day.

Sensory Activities, Toys
Make Your Own Texture Bag!
With some extra fabric, a sewing machine, and a little creativity you can make a fun bag of textures for your blind child. A texture bag is a great way...

Toys, Visual Impairment
The Bilibo: A Great Toy for Visually Impaired Kids
Find out about Ivan's new favorite toy - the Bilibo - and why it's so great!

Tactile Arts and Crafts, Visual Impairment
Sensory Art for Children who are Visually Impaired
There's much more to art than the visual! Learn how easy it can be to get your blind or visually impaired kids involved in tactile art projects.

Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment
Sensory Games for Kids who are Blind
It can be more difficult for blind or disabled children to learn about the world and use their senses effeciently. Here are some games you can play to help them...

Music Play
Rhythm & Blues for the Winter: Motivating your child to move through music!
Music therapist Meredith R. Pizzi explains how you can use music and rhythms to encourage your child to get up and move!

Music Play
These old plastic bottles can become musical instruments!
Daria shows you how to make rattles using recycled bottles. She gives you ideas for things you can put in the bottles and different games you can play!

Tactile Arts and Crafts
Tactile Tree Art Project
Learn how to make a tactile tree sensory art project with your blind child. It's easy and fun!

Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Make Your Own Halloween Pumpkin Costume!
Thinking about entering daddy and baby in the Halloween costume contest this year? Look no further! We've got a simple costume design you can put together with materials laying about...

Music Play
A Drum That Sounds Like the Sea
Find out how to make your own ocean drum and how to have fun playing with it, too.

Music Play
Coolest CD’s for Kids
The best children's music that you've probably never even heard of. Check out these great performers and support up-and-coming stars!