Discover fun and creative ideas to encourage play time with toys, light play, music, multi-sensory activities and tactile art. Also find seasonal holiday crafts!
Filter by: Cooking and Kitchen Play, Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Light Play, Music Play, Sensory Activities, Tactile Arts and Crafts, Toys

Behavior, Sensory Activities
Overcoming Tactile Sensitivity with a Sticky Box!
Collect sticky and gooey toys and throw them all in one box. You'll create a sensory toy that will help your child learn to love sticky things.

Braille and Literacy, Toys
Melissa & Doug Puzzles with Braille
Amazon now carries hand-crafted wooden sound puzzles from Melissa & Doug with braille! Choose from Farm Animals, Zoo Animals, Pets, Talking Shapes, and Vehicles.

Sensory Activities, Tactile Arts and Crafts
Puffy Paint Art Project
Learn how to make a puffy paint sensory art project with your blind child. It's easy and fun!

Music Play
The Cajon: A Box That’s a Drum That’s a Box!
Learn how to make your own Cajon, a box that's a drum that's a box!

Toys, Visual Impairment
The Best Toys for Parties and Get Togethers for Kids who are Visually Impaired
Sometimes kids need a little help to get the party started, and that is exactly what party toys are for. We list here our favorite party toys for children who...

Sensory Activities, Toys
Make Your Own Scented Rattle!
It's so easy to make a rattle for your blind baby that also has its own unique smell. Teach your baby about cause and effect with the sound while you...

Discovery Toys: Toys for Kids with Special Needs
Learn about fun toys from Discovery Toys and how they can encouraqge your blind or disabled child's development.

Music Play
Babies & Music: How to introduce your infant or young child to music
Learn how to introduce music to even the youngest infant, including those with special needs. All babies benefit from having music in their lives!

Make Your Own Toy Basket!
All you really need is a basket and some toys and you're well on your way to creating a fun and educational toy for your visually impaired baby. Here's how...

Music Play
Nursery Rhyme Hand Motions
Children love interactive songs, and kids who are blind or visually impaired can learn coordination, body awareness, rhythm, and teamwork. Watch these videos to learn the simple hand motions for...

Play, Special Needs
Free Access to National Parks for Visitors with Disabilities
National Park Service free Access Passes are accepted at all NPS parks and refuges, and cover some fees in the national forests as well. The filing fee for the Access...

Music Play, Visual Impairment
Are Blind Kids More Musically Inclined?
Adam Ockelford, Professor of Music, Roehampton University announced a study in 2010 that would focus on the relationship between musicality and retinopathy ofprematurity (ROP). This study follows up his similar...

Make Your Own Recycled Pull Toy!
With some simple items pulled out of your recycle bin you can create your own pull toy that can help your child develop fine motor skills and hand strength.

Music Play
Songs for Teaching: Using Music to Promote Learning
A collection of songs categorized by subject so you can find the perfect song to fit any curriculum or lesson plan - or just to emphasize an idea at home.

Toys, Visual Impairment
Toy Ideas for Blind Kids & Babies
We review a range of toys from plush to active, including action toys and music makers. The Spa Baby tub is also highlighted -- great for snug support and upright...