Discover fun and creative ideas to encourage play time with toys, light play, music, multi-sensory activities and tactile art. Also find seasonal holiday crafts!
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LEGO Made Us All Proud!
LEGO has included a young man using a wheelchair as part of the new “Fun in the Park” play set, which should be available this summer.

Tactile Arts and Crafts
3Doodler Pen & Accessories
The 3Doodler Pen is a 3D printing device that can be used within minutes. It heats special plastic string and you control what you draw and create just as if...

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment
7 Holiday Sensory Play Ideas for Kids Who are Blind
Holiday multisensory play ideas for kids who are blind or visually impaired, from cold dough to a five-senses touch book and a tactile find and search game.

Canes and Wheelchairs in LEGO Sets? Let’s Make it Happen!
Let's help the #ToyLikeMe campaign get wheelchairs and white canes represented in LEGO activity sets. All you need to do is vote!

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Toys
#ToyLikeMe Holiday Shopping Guide
Find toys for kids who wear glasses, patches or hearing aids; for kids who use a white cane or have a service dog; or for kids who use wheelchairs or...

Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Play a Game of Pumpkin Bowling with a Braille Twist
Maybe you've been bowling, but have you ever been pumpkin bowling? This multi-sensory game is perfect for Fall and makes a fun Halloween party game, too!

Holiday Crafts and Ideas
A Silly Sensory Rattle for Halloween
A quijada is a rattle that's made from a donkey's jawbone and the sound of the instrument is created by the teeth rattling in the sockets. Perfect for Halloween, right?...

Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Scary Skeleton Halloween Wheelchair Costume
Looking for a fun and SPOOKY Halloween costume idea for your child's wheelchair? This year Ivan will be a skeleton in a graveyard!

Sensory Activities
Make Your Own Tactile Comparing Bag
Are you looking for ways for your blind child or student to experience tactual exploration in a safe, confined space? Then let me show you how to make your own...

What’s Inside? Make Your Own Hidden Shape Puzzle
I love games that that don't require any vision to play. This is an easy DIY puzzle that anyone can play by identifying a hidden shape by feel and sound!

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Extracurricular Program for Your Child with Visual Impairments
Finding the right extracurricular program for your child with visual impairments can be a tedious job, especially if your child struggles with other disabilities or sensory impairments as well. These...

Play, Visual Impairment
Summer Activities for Kids who are Blind
Looking for summer tips and advice to help you keep your blind child active during the break? Join our summer blog party to get advice from parents just like you!

Tactile Arts and Crafts, Visual Impairment
12 Easy Tips for Accessible Preschool Arts & Crafts for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Can a blind preschooler be included in preschool arts and crafts? Of course! With a little planning and forethought, preschool crafts can be completely accessible.

Light Play
Colors, Literacy and Social Play
This lesson plan from Ox Ridge Elementary School shows how the LightAide can be used in a second grade classroom to make story time accessible to all the students.