LightAides for Everyone!

Have you been watching Lily LightAide travel around the country visiting six families and showing them all she can do?
If you have, then you know that at the end of the trip readers had the chance to vote for one family to keep Lily! That was exciting and fun (and congratulations to Olivia for winning Lily LightAide!), but there are still five families out there who got to know Lily and discovered that the LightAide is an amazing educational tool for their kids.
Shouldn’t all of them get a LightAide too?
Let’s make this happen! Perkins Products and Philips have generously offered to take 50% off the cost of the LightAide for each of these five families! Yes, 50%!!! This means they only need to raise $499 to get a LightAide. I say only… but it’s still a lot! Can you help?
Below are fundraising pages for the families and kids who are trying to raise money to buy a LightAide. Please check them out and contribute to the cause! Thanks!
Cici’s Fundraising Page
We are raising money to purchase a Light Aide from Philips and Perkins for Cici’s school, Fletcher Miller School. This school is entirely special needs kids, from preschool through transition to adulthood.
Many of the kids that attend Cici’s school have vision impairment, and the LightAide would be easily integrated into the tools available for communication and education with these students. They can learn turn taking, play games, work on vision therapy and tracking, and learn letters and numbers. It’s not just Cici who would benefit, it is the entire school!
Please help us get this piece of equipment to donate to Fletcher Miller community where Cici and her fellow classmates can benefit.

Aly’s Fundraising Page
Aly’s favorite activities on the LightAide were the ones that teach tracking and focusing. She would get so entranced as the lights lit up beautifully in front of her. She would reach and feel the bumps on the screen and stare in amazement as the colors changed.
Next I introduced her to the switches. When she began to grasp that her actions were making the colors change I could see the excitement in her face. She would vigorously pound the switches, laughing and kicking her feet as she sat in her bumbo. She would start by looking to the left at the large yellow row and follow it across the screen, holding focus and tracking with ease.
Please help bring a LightAide home to Aly!