Calling All Moms of Blind Kids!

To moms of children with 20/200 vision or greater vision loss whose child is currently in grades 1, 2, or 3….please consider volunteering to be in the following study!
Sonja Biggs, a doctoral student from Capella University, is looking for volunteers for a study of mothers of children who are blind or low vision. Dr. Amy Gaskins is the research supervisor for this study. Here’s what Sonja has to say about her study:
I want to find out how mothers of blind children teach school skills to their blind children before going into kindergarten. I also want to find out how those mothers think what they do to teach their blind child at home relates to how well they think their blind child is doing at school.
I will ask the mothers questions about how their child’s blindness has changed the family, how school skills were taught to their blind child, and how they think their child is doing at school today. The interviews will be given during three different days with each mother. Each time will be 1-2 hours.
It is planned that 10 mothers will be in this study. All mothers will be between 25 and 55 years old. All those in the study will be mothers of blind children. Their blind children will be in grades 1-3.
This is a chance for you to volunteer and make changes in the teaching of blind children. You will give helpful information that can be used to give teachers of the blind a better understanding of how mothers relate to their blind children.
The interviews will be given on Skype so you can live anywhere in the United States and be a part of this research study. The interviews will be recorded for the research. You must have a computer and access to the internet to be in this study. Your computer will need to be in a room that will be private so your privacy and confidentiality are protected. My computer will be in a private room so that your privacy and confidentiality are protected, as well.
A special thank you to the moms who have responded. I still need 7 more!
If you would like to be a part of this study, please contact Sonja Biggs at or call 650-833-9392.
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