Audio Description Media Contest for Kids

The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) and the American Council of the Blind (ACB) are hosting an audio described media review contest for students ages 7-21 years called The Benefits of Audio Description In Education (BADIE) Contest!
Audio description for accessing visual media for the blind isn’t new, however it has only been in the last few years that much of mainstream media has been made accessible. Research has proven that audio description is a valuable and important tool for learning, both with children with visual impairments and those without! That’s why DCMP & ACB want students to experience media with audio description and then report on it!
WINNING is the best part, right?! Students who enter the BADIE contest will have a chance to win iTunes gift cards (provided by ACB), plus the child’s teacher will win a $100 Amazon gift card if their student is a winner! The overall Grand Prize Winner will receive a new Apple iPad Mini! Awards will be given in each of the four contestant entry categories: Sophomore (ages 7 to 10), Junior (ages 11 to 15), Senior (ages 16 to 21), and Alternate Assessment. Students may enter the contest multiple times by reviewing different media titles. All students who enter the BADIE contest will be awarded certificates of participation.
To enter, students just choose an audio described film from DMCP, a talking book library, local public library, or anywhere accessible media titles are available. (To find more audio description resources, refer to our article Audio Description for Blind Viewers)Then, the student simply watched the film/video and writes a review using the guidelines available the Listening is Learning contest website, Top Tips for Writing the Ultimate Film Review. Entries can be submitted online, email, or postal mail.
Hurry! The DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES is Wednesday, November 30, 2016.
Visit the BADIE Contest page on the Listening is Learning website, a joint initiative of DCMP and ACB, to read the complete rules and enter today!
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