Health & Nutrition
Find advice on how to manage doctor visits and hospital stays, learn how to teach self-feeding skills and discover new medical treatments and research opportunities for children who are blind
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Health & Nutrition
Help! My Newborn Is Passing Gas but Not Pooping
It’s normal for babies to have gas. Passing gas but not pooping for several days may mean your baby is constipated, but there are some ways to help.

Health & Nutrition
How to Use a Baking Soda Bath to Treat Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is common among infants and young children. Giving your baby a baking soda bath can soothe their irritated skin from diaper rash.

Feeding and Eating, Special Needs
Reusable Food Guards Prevent Spills!
Using a plastic food guard can help your child feed themselves independently while avoiding spills and messes!

Health & Nutrition
Can Teething Cause Diarrhea? What Parents Should Know
Diarrhea can occur while a child is teething and is usually related to other health conditions. There are a number of ways to help a child who is teething and...

Health & Nutrition
Help! Why Is My Toddler Coughing at Night?
Viruses, smoke, or asthma can cause nighttime coughing. You can help your toddler by using a cool mist humidifier or giving them the correct medications.

Feeding and Eating
What’s a Montessori Weaning Table (and Do You Need One?)
Wondering if your baby should use a weaning table or high chair? Learn about the benefits of using a Montessori weaning table when introducing solid foods.

Health & Nutrition
Can Teething Cause Congestion? What Parents Should Know
Teething can cause gum pain, drooling, and rashes in babies. However, congestion, fevers, and diarrhea are not typical teething symptoms.

Feeding and Eating
8 Organic Baby Snacks Every Parent Should Know About
Organic foods are free from chemical fertilizers and preservatives. Here are some of the best organic baby snacks for your little one to try!

Feeding and Eating
17 Healthy Toddler Meal Ideas That Taste Great Too!
Toddlers can be hard to please at mealtimes. These healthy toddler meal ideas will please even the pickiest eater!

Feeding and Eating
41 Healthy Toddler Snack Ideas (Most) Kids Will Love
In a sea of processed food, healthy toddler snacks can be hard to come by. Check out these nutritious snacks that are sure to please your little one.

Feeding and Eating
When Can You Stop Burping a Baby?
You may be able to stop burping your baby sooner than you think! Learn when you can stop, when it’s too soon, how to tell if they’re ready, and more.

Health & Nutrition
Can Babies Take Epsom Salt Baths?
With some safety precautions, anecdotal evidence suggests there’s a wide variety of benefits babies can enjoy from taking an Epsom salt bath.

Health & Nutrition
Help! Why Is My Baby Spitting up Clear Liquid!
Spitting up clear liquid is common for younger babies under 12 months of age. Find out why your baby may be spitting up clear liquid and how to prevent it.

Feeding and Eating
33 High Protein Snacks for Kids to Support Development
High protein snacks are excellent for getting your child the protein they need. We’ve got just the inspiration you need with these protein snacks for kids!

Health & Nutrition
Why Is My Baby Sticking Their Tongue Out?
Babies have a tongue thrust reflex, which helps them breathe and swallow. However, some babies have problems that make them stick their tongues out too often.