Health & Nutrition
Find advice on how to manage doctor visits and hospital stays, learn how to teach self-feeding skills and discover new medical treatments and research opportunities for children who are blind
Filter by: Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Feeding and Eating, Research Studies

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
LCA and Kidney Health
LCA can sometimes be associated with kidney disorders. We've put together a list of tests that should make sure you or your child's kidneys are in perfect working order.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
CHARGE Syndrome Foundation
The mission of the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation is to provide support to individuals with CHARGE syndrome and their families.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
The Glaucoma Foundation
The mission of The Glaucoma Foundation (TGF) is to fund groundbreaking research and to educate the public about the disease and the importance of early detection to prevent blindness.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
ONH/SOD Family Focus (optic nerve hypoplasia/septo optic dysplasia)
FOCUS Families provides Information, Education and Support to those affected by Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH) & Septo Optic Dysplasia (SOD) world wide.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Stargardts Disease
Stargardts Net is the home for anyone and everyone who has an interest in Stargardts Disease. Via their website they tell their story in the hope of helping others who...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation's mission is to promote research and education for the diagnosis, treatment and cure of mitochondrial disorders and to provide support to affected individuals and families.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
What’s genetic testing for LCA?
If you are considering genetic testing to determine the gene causing your child's LCA, you probably have lots of questions about the test as well as the results. We'll try...

Feeding and Eating
Make Your Own Sippy Cup to Help Teach Straw Drinking
Learn how to make a small sippy cup out of household items that is easy for your child to hold and impossible to break!

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
What are Ciliopathies and How are they Related to Blindness?
The source of retinal pathologies like that associated with Joubert's Syndrome may originate in the cilia of cells. Scientists at UC-San Diego report their findings in this Health Sciences update.

Research Studies
Retinal Microchip Trials
A British man with retinitis pigmentosa has test driven the bionic eye, a set of implanted receivers that send impulses through the optic nerve and into the brain. Thirty-five test...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Health & Nutrition
Retinal Implants and Visual Cortex Plasticity
The Boston Retinal Implant Project unveiled a prototype prosthetic for people with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and macular degeneration. This post links to a New York Times article which also discusses...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Health & Nutrition
Tooth Implant Restores Sight
An innovation in lens surgery uses a patient’s tooth to hold an optical lens in place. Within 2 weeks of completing the entire procedure, Martin Jones of England was able...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Health & Nutrition
BrainPort Allows Blind Users to “See” Through Their Tongue
BrainPort Vision is a prosthetic device that uses electrical stimulation of the tongue to provide spatial information to users who are blind or who have vision limited to light perception....

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Glaucoma Service Foundation to Prevent Blindness
The Glaucoma Service Foundation’s mission is to preserve or enhance the health of all people with glaucoma.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
A-Z to Deafblindness
This site offers help to deafblind people, those who provide specialized services for those who are deafblind and to make people more aware about deafblindness.