Health & Nutrition
Find advice on how to manage doctor visits and hospital stays, learn how to teach self-feeding skills and discover new medical treatments and research opportunities for children who are blind
Filter by: Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Feeding and Eating, Research Studies

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
CVI on APH: The Conversation Continues
A resource for research articles, books, websites, blogs, strategies and support for parents of children diagnosed with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI).

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
New Gene for LCA Discovered, PNPLA6
The discovery of a new genetic mutation on an already known gene could lead to treatments of genetic blindness in children with LCA.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Creating a new Scleral Shell at the Ocularist
This cool video shows how easy it is to create a new scleral shell and how easy it is to be the patient, too!

Feeding and Eating
Boon Snug Sippy Cups and Straw Cups
Cool cup lids make any adult glass into a spill-proof glass for kids. Just snap on the lid, add a straw and you're ready to go!

Feeding and Eating
Ez Pz: Easy clean dish and mat in one
A divided dish and table mat in one, these silicone plates are easy to stack, store and clean, and come in all sorts of cool colors.

Health & Nutrition, Visual Impairment
Top Medical Breakthroughs in Vision in 2014
There have been a lot of medical advances in curing blindness in the past 12 months. Read about the most exciting breakthroughs in gene therapy, stem cells, artificial retinas and...

Health & Nutrition
A watch that warns about epileptic seizures
Stay on top of epileptic seizures with this sleek, contemporary wristwatch that detects subtle nerve movements that indicate a seizure is happening.

Feeding and Eating
Adorabelly Design: whimsical covers for g-tubes
These g-tube covers are unique and whimsical and can be custom-ordered. They're a great way to make your tube-fed child feel happy about their tube.

Assistive Technology, Eye Conditions and Syndromes
New Gadget Addresses Tunnel Vision
There's a company that's working on a visor to help those with tunnel vision to see the full picture of what they could see without tunnel vision. It's still in...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Now I See You: Nicole Kear’ Story About Being Diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa
Author Nicole Kear describes her reaction to the diagnosis of losing her vision to retinitis pigmentosa that she received in college, and the choices it caused her to make in...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
More News on Stem Cells and Blindness
Scientists in the UK have discovered a cache of stem cells in the eye that could lead to reversing blindness for those with age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. It's...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Gene therapy research for childhood blindness gets a boost from Genzyme
LCA-1 research is getting a boost from Genzyme with a $900,000 grant to pursue gene therapy. Dr. Shannon Boye has had success with animals in the lab and is looking...

Health & Nutrition, Visual Impairment
3D Printing Cells is a New Step in Finding a Cure for Blindness
Researchers are using 3D printers to create artificial retinal nerve cells. They hope this will lead to using this to replace damaged retinal cells and ultimately cure retinal blindness.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
First Human Trial for Macular Degeneration
The first human trials in using home-grown stem cells to treat age-related macular degeneration took place recently in Japan. This could be a breakthrough for other therapies involving stem cells...

Feeding and Eating
Notube: Special Feeding Counseling for Children with Feeding Tubes
Notube is a company that provides online coaching on how to wean your child off of a feeding tube and onto eating orally. Their approach is clinically based and provides...