Learn how to support your baby as they grow and develop through milestones, including gross motor and fine motor development as well as communication skills.
Filter by: Communication, Crawling, Fine and Gross Motor, Orientation and Mobility

Communication, Special Needs
American Sign Language (ASL) Browser
The American Sign Language Browser allows you to choose any word starting with any letter and watch a short Quick Time video demonstration of that word being signed.

Orientation and Mobility
Early Explorers: A Cane Travel Program for Blind and Low Vision Children
This is a program for children age birth to 7 years old. It provides a white cane, instructional DVD, and other resources to help parents assist their children with O&M...

Orientation and Mobility
Watch a Blind Baby Walking with His Cane!
Watch ten month old Alan walk around his living room with his new cane. He's totally blind, but does a wonderful job getting around obstacles!

Orientation and Mobility
Blind Teen Runs with Her Guide Dog
Sami Stoner, a teenager in Ohio, has always been a runner, but when she began to lose her sight due to Stargardt's disease, she thought she would have to stop...

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Helping Your Blind Baby Learn How to Reach for Objects
Susan Shier Lowry, an Orientation and Mobility specialist, writes about how you can encourage your child to reach out for objects and how reaching can help develop orientation skills needed...

Orientation and Mobility
Precane vs Long Cane
Susan Lowry, Orientation and Mobility specialist, answers the question: Is my child ready for a long cane or a precane?

Orientation and Mobility
Wheelchair Orientation & Mobility
How does a blind person learn orientation and mobility skills when they are also using a wheelchair? Perkins eLearning provides a video series on Wheelchair Orientation & Mobility on the...

A Visit to Audiology
We visit an audiologist to check our blind son's hearing. What will the audiologist do? What can we learn?

Planning the Day with Object Calendars
Creating a plan and a tangible system of communication is the best way to help your child deal with transitions. Using an object calendar or a schedule box can ease...

Fine and Gross Motor
What is Aquatic Therapy?
Aquatherapy for children with disabilities improves strength and flexibility and also focuses on body awareness, sensory integration, motor planning, and learning how to move muscles in new ways. The pool...

Development, Special Needs
AbilityPath is an online hub and special needs community for parents and professionals to learn, connect and live a more balanced life - through all phases of a child's growth...

Orientation and Mobility
Great Place for Canes
Advantage Canes is a wonderful organization that also fixes canes, replaces tips and does everything quickly. They can also make specialty canes based on your height.

Orientation and Mobility
No Bones About It: Official Blog of Guide Dogs for the Blind
No Bones About it is the official blog of Guide Dogs for the Blind. You can enjoy great posts by frequent No Bones About It contributors.

Fine and Gross Motor, Toys
Make Your Own Can Puzzle!
If your child has a vision impairment or struggles with fine motor skills you may want to create a sorting puzzle that is simple. Most sorting puzzles have multiple shapes,...

Development, Visual Impairment
Vestibular Stimulation: Making Sense of the Other Senses When Your Child is Blind
Many children with visual impairments seek out physically stimulating activities, like swinging or rocking. Here are ways you can help channel that energy.