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Braille and Literacy
APH Guide to Designing Tactile Illustrations for Children’s Books
Learn about tactile illustrations, how they work and how best to create them.

Braille and Literacy
The Perkins Panda Early Literacy Program
Learn about the Perkins Panda Early Literacy Program and why it's a wonderful program for blind babies and toddlers.

iPad Apps and Accessibility
iPad Basics: What’s an App?
You've got an iPad, but you're still new to this whole app thing. What are apps? And how do you buy them? Eric Jerman explains how to find and download...

Braille and Literacy
Free Audio Books Online!
Librivox: Free audio books online! Learn more about this great resource for blind children.

Braille and Literacy
Read How You Want: Large Print Books
Find out about a wonderful literary service called Read How You Want that provides new books in multiple formats, from large print to Braille.

Braille and Literacy
Mother’s Day Braille Gifts
Fun Mother's Day Gift ideas in Braille from National Braille Press.

Braille and Literacy
The SENSEsational Alphabet
Support literacy learning with these tools that associate alphabet letters with sensations like smell (apples) and sounds (zipper)!

Braille and Literacy
Braille Authority of North America
The mission of the Braille Authority of North America (BANA) is to assure literacy for tactile readers through standardization of braille and/or tactile graphics.

Braille and Literacy
Braille Library & Transcribing Services
BLTS offers over 2,000 braille titles for children and adults and their collection is always being enlarged and updated.

Braille and Literacy
Braille Bookstore
The Braille Bookstore doesn't just sell books. They also carry low vision products, housewares, toys and games, greeting cards and all sorts of other handy items for people with visual...

Braille and Literacy
Kester Braille Curriculum Program
The purpose of the Kester Braille Reading Program is to fill the need for non-visual materials to teach specific skills to beginning readers in the same sequence these skills are...

Pop-Up IEP for Parents/Advocates
Check out this website to read some "conversation stoppers" that parents may hear at an IEP meeting and ideas for possible responses.

Braille and Literacy
Should Blind Kids Learn Braille?
The New York Times takes a look at the decline of braille education in favor of electronic media, including the frank (and conflicting) opinions of those close to the issue....

Braille and Literacy
Slate Pals: Braille pen-pal program
Slate Pals is a pen pal program for blind Braille reading students who want to write Braille letters to other students.

Braille and Literacy
National Braille Association
National Braille Association (NBA) is the only national organization solely dedicated to the professional development of individuals who prepare and produce braille materials.