Find resources for parents interested in supporting their child's educational needs, from reading and literacy to math and science.
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iPad Apps and Accessibility
iPad Curriculum for Children with Visual Impairments
Junior Blind of America's Infant & Early Childhood Program has been using iPads as part of its curriculum in order to study how children with CVI or low vision respond...

Education, Visual Impairment
The College Experience: Preparing Your Blind Child for College
Sue Rawley's son, Aaron, is graduating high school and looking at colleges. Sue talks about this transition and how you can prepare your blind child for independence now.

Assistive Technology, Braille and Literacy
Accessible Braille Smart Phones
Smart phones and tablets have many accessibility features but are still basically smooth surfaces. Two new technologies try to change this by making tablets with tactile output or phones with...

Braille and Literacy
Making a Love Book for your Visually Impaired Child
Kimberly will show you how to create a simple tactile photo book for your visually impaired child. You don't need to have extensive crafting skills to make a nice story...

Show Them You Care! How to Organize a Staff Appreciation Day at Your Child’s School
Have you ever wanted to organize a staff appreciation day for your child's teachers but don't know where to start? Catherine Rose gives tips and advice on how to create...

Braille and Literacy
Bookshare: Literacy Made Accessible!
Connor and Finley are two kids who are learning to read using the free service from Bookshare. They get free accessible books that they can access through their iPads.

Braille and Literacy
Sadie Can Count Book in Large Print and Braille
Sadie Can Count is a wonderful book for beginners. It has large print and Braille text, full color and fully embossed pictures. Beginning readers, sighted, blind or visually impaired can...

Braille and Literacy
Braille Resource Packet for Parents of Young Children
This is a collection of articles, book ideas, instructions and activities for parents who want to teach early literacy and braille skills to their young children who are blind.

Braille and Literacy
National Braille Press
The guiding purposes of National Braille Press are to promote the literacy of blind children through braille and to provide access to information that empowers blind people to actively engage...

Education, Special Needs
Family Engagement and Children with Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Educators and Parents
This resource guide is intended to bridge the gap between school and home and help families become greater partners in their children's educations.

Braille and Literacy
Decorative Braille Blocks
Decorative Braille blocks for sale on etsy! Any word, any color! Proceeds go to charity for kids with Albinism and its visual impairments!

Braille and Literacy
Make Your Own Big & Little Book!
Really good tactile books can be hard to find, especially if you are looking for tactile books that teach a simple concept like shapes or sizes. So why not make...

Math and Science
Fun & Accessible Math & Number Activities!
Did you know that math can be fun and that preschool math activities can be made accessible? Here is a list of five fun activities that will teach your child...

iPad Apps and Accessibility
My Talking Picture Board App Review
My Talking Picture Board app, from Little Bear Sees, helps children with CVI learn how to locate and recognize two dimensional images.

Education, Visual Impairment
APH Quota Funds: How to Access Free Educational Materials for Blind & Deafblind Students
Students who are blind or deafblind are eligible for free school supplies and equipment that will help them access school curriculum. Find out how to use these funds!