Find resources for parents interested in supporting their child's educational needs, from reading and literacy to math and science.
Filter by: Braille and Literacy, IEPs, iPad Apps and Accessibility, Math and Science

Education, Special Needs
My Special Journal: Home to School Communication Notebook
My Special Journal is a pre-printed communication notebook that lets teachers quickly summarize a special needs child's day at school.

Braille and Literacy
Dad Develops Tactile Graphics for Blind Son
Devoted dad Shahzad Zaidi makes tactile graphics to make education and games more accessible to his visually impaired son.

Braille and Literacy
The Sound of Colors
The Sound of Colors tells the story of a young girl who is losing her sight and goes on a journey of discovery. Available at Amazon.

iPad Apps and Accessibility
Osmo: A Fun, Tactile & Engaging Way to Use Your iPad
The Osmo Game System uses special adaptations to make the iPad more interactive, allowing users to manipulate real tangible objects while using their iPad. It promotes social skills, creative thinking...

iPad Apps and Accessibility
Free Accessible Apps from AFB for Blind Users
Two free apps for visually impaired mobile phone users: CareerConnect for iOS and AccessNote for iOS and Android. Offered by American Foundation for the Blind.

Braille and Literacy
Perkins SMART Brailler is Now Available on APH Through Quota Funds
Perkins SMART Braillers are now available at American Printing House using quota funds. These funds make educational tools for those who are blind accessible.

Communication, iPad Apps and Accessibility
Talkitt® Makes Unintelligible Speech Understandable
Talkitt translates unintelligible speech from any language into understandable speech through smart phones, tablets or computers. Works for people with speech disorders or diseases or syndromes that affect speech.

Braille and Literacy
Video Introducing Braille to Parents
This YouTube video from Sensory Sun is an eight-minute introduction to braille geared toward parents.

Braille and Literacy, Support
Bookshare’s Parent Ambassador Program
Bookshare, the free program that offers printed material in an accessible format to those who are unable to easily access printed material, is offering a free parent forum, allowing parents...

Braille and Literacy
Black Book of Colors
The Black Book of Colors uses raised illustrations, braille letters and imaginative descriptions to give sighted people a glimpse into the world of the blind. This is a great book...

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment
17 Braille Innovations That Don’t Exist Yet… But Should!
A lot of the coolest ideas involving braille aren't actually on the market yet. Listed here are some of my favorite braille concepts. And maybe if we reach out to...

Braille and Literacy, iPad Apps and Accessibility
Exploring Braille App Review
Exploring Braille with Madilyn and Ruff is an iPad app that teaches the braille alphabet while also introducing your child to the iPad, VoiceOver and a refreshable braille display.

Education, Special Needs
Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs
This blog features extensive teaching resources for those educators teaching learners with multiple and severe special needs.

Math and Science
Slide-A-Round Math Manipulatives for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired
A special education teacher has created a math manipulative that helps students who are blind or visually impaired to more easily learn abstract math concepts.

Math and Science
Simple Science Experiments: Sink or Float?
Will it sink or will it float? This is a simple science experiment that is completely accessible for children who are blind or visually impaired. And it's fun too!