
Find resources for parents interested in supporting their child's educational needs, from reading and literacy to math and science.

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Rainbow activities for blind kids

Math and Science, Visual Impairment

Rainbow Activities for Blind Children

How do you explain a rainbow to a child that has never seen one, let alone never seen colors? It may seem complicated to talk about colors with your blind...

Tiggly Interactive Toys & Application Review

iPad Apps and Accessibility

Tiggly Interactive Toys & Apps Review

Tiggly has developed two sets of multiple award-winning tactile toys, Tiggly Shapes and Tiggly Counts, to interact with their six free iPad apps to enrich the learning experience through hands-on...

Illustration of four girls in school uniforms, the front girl holding a white cane

Braille and Literacy

My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay

This book geared to young readers features a girl who is blind who does everything her friends can do and more.

Diagram Center logo

Math and Science

Diagram Center from Benetech

The Diagram Center is a great online resource with multiple tools and information for creating accessible images and graphics for children with visual impairments.

Dr. Seuss Rhyming Words Feature

Braille and Literacy

Rhyming Words with Dr. Seuss

This Dr. Seuss rhyming and word-building activity encourages kids to explore the alphabet, letter sounds, and blends and is accessible to kids with vision or kids who are blind.

Stay Still, Squeaky!

iPad Apps and Accessibility

Stay Still, Squeaky! iBook Review

"Stay Still, Squeaky!" is a wonderful resource for learning the basics of using a touch screen device and a variety of early learning skills, promoting independence and empowerment for users...

how to organize your IEP paperwork


Printable IEP Organizer

Are you looking for a printable IEP organizer designed specifically to help you plan and arrange all your documents and paperwork so you can actually be in charge of your...

3 Resources for Learning about Presidents' Day


3 Resources for Learning about Presidents’ Day

Find resources that make learning about the role of President, history of the United States, and what it means to be a good citizen, fun for children of all ages...

Madilyn finding light switch

Math and Science, Visual Impairment

Accessible STEM: An Introduction to Light for Blind Children

Introduce the scientific basics of light to your child through hands-on activities like exploring your home and other familiar places, along with tactile worksheets.

collage of eyes

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

Be My Eyes App: Lend Your Eyes to the Blind

This iPhone app allows visually impaired users to connect with sighted users in real time in order to receive assistance with simple tasks.

Cartoon girl lying on an open book

Braille and Literacy

Great Expectations: Bringing books to life for blind kids

Tips for reading aloud to blind children, courtesy of National Braille Press, complete with video and featured story.

smartphone held over menu shows text being read

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

Breakthrough App Reads Print for the Blind

This cool new app lets you use your smartphone to translate printed material into spoken words, letting the user "read" virtually anything. The app is available on iTunes and was...

Great Expectations Program from NBP

Braille and Literacy

Picture Books for Blind Kids? Yes!

Through NBP's new program, Great Expectations, parents and caregivers can learn how to describe pictures to visually impaired children and also how to read out loud in a way that...

Ivan and dad at the lake

Math and Science, Visual Impairment

7 Science & Nature Activities for Young Children who are Blind

Touching leaves, twigs, rocks and trees is a great way to introduce the world to your blind child. Here are 7 simple ideas to get you thinking about science and...

Front cover of iBook Reach for the Stars

Math and Science, Visual Impairment

Reach for the Stars: Free iBook for Visually Impaired Students

This free iBook, available on iTunes, is compatible with braille refreshable displays and VoiceOver on iPads, and is accessible to anyone with a visual or print impairment.