Braille and Literacy
Find information for pre-braille and braille skills for children who are blind as well as literacy ideas for kids with multiple disabilities.

Braille and Literacy
Sign Up for Free Braille Books Every Year from Seedlings
The Seedlings Book Angel Program shares books in braille with visually impaired children in the United States and Canada. Each child receives their choice of five free books when they...

Braille and Literacy
Living Paintings Tactile Books
Living Paintings is a Uk based charity that designs, creates, and publishes Touch to See books for kids who are blind.

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment
Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight
Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight is dedicated to fostering the independence of people who are blind and visually impaired.

Braille and Literacy, Special Needs
How to Teach a Child With Dyslexia
Dyslexia can be challenging for kids and parents, but there are ways to teach a child with dyslexia to help them achieve their literacy - and life - goals.

Braille and Literacy
Sensee Braille Books and Learning Set
Sensee creates educational braille products for visually impaired children and I had the chance to look at (and touch!) their books.

Braille and Literacy
Get Braille: Braille Transcribing Services
Get Braille specializes in converting documents into braille, large print, and audio materials for students, family members and customers.

Braille and Literacy, Education
11 Word Games to Help Kids With Dyslexia Recognize Sight Words
Children with dyslexia have difficulty remembering words that don't follow conventional rules, such as high-frequency sight words.

Braille and Literacy
AlphaBraille created a fun toy that helps children with visual impairment learn the Braille alphabet. 26 puzzle pieces can be inserted into the device and the device plays the matching...

Braille and Literacy, Toys, Visual Impairment
How I will change the world for my deafblind daughter, one toy at a time
One father's journey to imagine, create and even distribute accessible educational toys for children who are visually impaired

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment
20 Apple Themed Books For Kids Who Are Blind
We've gathered 20 books about apples that kids are sure to enjoy this Fall season with links to formats in braille, audio and large print.

Braille and Literacy
National Braille Press Poetry Contest
Learn how you or your child can enter the first annual NBP Braille Poetry Contest. The deadline for entries is October 31, 2017.

Braille and Literacy
The #1 Way to Skyrocket Your Child’s Success in Braille
Are you missing out on the #1 most important thing your child needs to learn braille and be a successful braille reader well into their future?

Braille and Literacy
Snizzly Snouts: A Unique Print/Braille Book
An exceptional inclusive print/braille book for sighted and blind kids to read with their ears, to look at with their fingers, to feel with their eyes.

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment
3 Tips for Teaching Young Children with a Visual Impairment How to Become Strong Readers
Here are 3 tips to get your child off to a great start with their braille reading skills. Learn how you can help them become strong readers!

Braille and Literacy
Make Your Own Braille Alphabet Tubs
Make your own braille alphabet tubs using print/braille blocks and tactile items from around your home.