How to Work with Difficult Doctors & Therapists
As the parent of a disabled child you probably have to meet with quite a few doctors and therapists. What can you do if you just don't agree with their...

Autism, Behavior, Visual Impairment
Is My Blind Child Autistic? One Parent’s Experience
Mary discusses trying to determine if her daughter's behaviors were related to her visual impairment or a symptom of autism.

Communication, Visual Impairment
You Can Say That Again! Echolalia in Visually Impaired Children
Learn why children who are visually impaired repeat back what they hear, and how parents can help minimize repetition in a constructive way.

Assistive Technology
EasySwitch Helps Kids Access Computer Games
EasySwitch gives young children and those with learning disabilities easier ability to play computer games with switch access. You can even get these switches in a wireless version!

Fashionability: Inclusive Style
A website which helps blind and visually impaired girls choose and apply flattering cosmetics independently.

Assistive Technology
Here Comes the Future… and it’s in Three Dimensions!
Mary McDonach writes about how her daughter, Elizabeth, who has albinism and very low vision, was able to watch (and see!) a 3D film in the movie theater! They were...

iPad Apps and Accessibility
Bubbles App Review
Bubbles is intended for babies and toddlers as a simple and fun app, but it also works beautifully as a way to help visually impaired children learn to use their...

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment
How to Help Your Blind Child Survive (and maybe even enjoy) Christmas
A holiday survival guide for parents of children with sensory impairments.

iPad Apps and Accessibility
Big Trace App Review
Read Mary's review of the Big Trace iPad app that teaches children how to print capital letters, cursives and numbers. The app is great for children with low vision who...

Manners Matter (excuse me, but they do!)
Behaving properly is like playing a game: You need to learn the rules in order to fit in to society. But if your child is blind, how do they learn...

Parenting, Support
Maintaining your relationship when you have a disabled child
Mary McDonach explores the high incidence of divorce among parents raising a disabled child. She advises devoting energy to your relationship plan in order to keep the partnership of parenting...

Schools for the Blind
Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
Western Pennsylvania School for the Blind serves children who are visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities.

Breastfeeding, Visual Impairment
Breastfeeding & Bonding with Your Visually Impaired Infant
Breast feeding a baby can be difficult, especially if they have a vision impairment. Learn about your options when choosing to nurse a blind or visually impaired baby.

The Cruelty of Strangers: Responding to Rude Comments as a Special Needs Parent
As the parent of a disabled child you've probably encountered a stranger who may have said something hurtful or downright rude. We'll give you advice on how to deal with...

Sorting Through the Grieving Process After Receiving a Special Needs Diagnosis
Mary McDonach explains that learning of a child's disability can cause a parent to experience a grief reaction bringing on the standard and familiar stages of grief. She helps you...