Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
Why I laughed when my daughter lost her eye
Gwen tells funny stories about raising her daughter Ivey who has bilateral anophthalmia. Gwen says it's important for us to learn to laugh at ourselves and our lives and teach...

Music Play, Visual Impairment
Why We Love Music Therapy for Our Blind Son
Jennie writes about how her son, Max, responds to music. Other therapies failed Max and often stressed him out, but Music Therapy has been very successful for him!

Communication, Visual Impairment
Teaching Your Visually Impaired Child Sign Language
Jennie writes about how she taught her son, Max, to sign. Max is totally blind and does have a few verbal words, but using signs to augment his early communication...

Education, Special Needs, Visual Impairment
Thoughts from a Preschool Teacher About Teaching a Blind Student
Heidi interviews her son's mainstream preschool teacher and asks her how she prepared to introduce a blind student to her classroom.

Education, Visual Impairment
Transitioning Your Blind Child to Preschool
Megan writes about her daughter, Ava, transitioning from Early Intervention to preschool. Ava attended the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children and has isolated bilateral anophthalmia.

Education, Visual Impairment
Is Early Intervention Always the Best Approach for a Blind Baby?
Anastasia writes about her daughter Lydia, who has anophthalmia. Lydia is still a baby and Anastasia has decided that Early Intervention services are not helping Lydia develop so she's opting...

Parenting, Support
When I Feel Alone as a Mom to a Child With Anophthalmia, I Remember This
Gwen writes about her baby daughter, Ivey, and the medical issues she faces. Gwen finds strength in her friends, family and even strangers who are drawn to her little girl.

Learning Advocacy and Self-Advocacy
Marianne Haas, a TVI, disability advocate and employment counselor, gives strategies and tips on how to advocate for your blind child.

Math and Science, Visual Impairment
Reach for the Stars! Space Camp for Interested Visually Impaired Students
Space Camp for Interested Visually Impaired Students is a week long camp that takes place at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, coordinated by teachers for the...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
Ask the TVI about Anophthalmia and Microphthalmia, Part 2
TVI Lisa LaDue answers readers' questions about O&M and TVI services and whether or not a visually impaired student should automatically be sat at the front of the classroom.

Making the Most of Your Most Restrictive Environment
Megan and her family devised a creative plan for their daughter Ava: begin her education in a private placement at a preschool for the blind, but group her with other...

Education, Visual Impairment
Thoughts from a Kindergarten Teacher About Welcoming a Blind Student to Class
Michelle interviews her son's mainstream kindergarten teacher and asks her how she prepared her classroom for a blind student. She also asks her if she has any advice for other...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Q&A with Ocularist Walter T. Tillman
Walter Tillman is an ocularist in Ocularist Pittsburgh. He talks about how he assesses children with anophthalmia/microphthalmia, how to choose conformers or prosthetics, and possible surgical options.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
A Letter to New Parents Living with Microphthalmia
Jacalyn Paulding writes about growing up with microphthalmia. Living a full life as a smart and successful young woman, Jacalyn wants parents to understand what it's like to have low...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
Ask the TVI about Anophthalmia and Microphthalmia
TVI Lisa LaDue answers readers' questions about protective eye glasses, testing blind children with assessment programs, and activities you can do at home to boost skills.