Laura Davies

Laura is a passionate writer and experienced teacher, dedicated to making parenting just a little bit easier. As a mom to young daughters, she’s often found pushing swings, making pillow forts, or covered in homemade slime.


In her rare, quiet moments, she’s a research geek who loves nothing more than scouring journal articles for the latest research and most fascinating studies to use in her writing.

Parenting, Toys

How To Clean Bath Toys: 7 Simple, Safe & Effective Tips

Bath toys are fantastic. Unless yours are filled with mold, of course. Here’s all you need to know about how to clean bath toys safely and effectively.

Mother pacifying her toddler.


Why Is My Baby Fighting Sleep?

There are quite a few reasons your baby might resist bedtime and naps. Figuring out the culprit is the first step in helping your baby sleep.

Mom fixing her baby's socks.

Product Reviews

The 11 Best Baby Socks of 2023

Here are the best baby socks so your little one can have the toastiest toes in town and protect their most vulnerable cold feet.

Mother changing baby's diaper.

Product Reviews

4 Best Diapers for Sensitive Skin in 2023

If your little one has sensitive skin, it’s essential to choose both ultra-absorbent and chemical-free diapers.

Daddy cleaning up baby's nose.

Feeding and Eating

Help! Milk is Coming Out Of My Baby’s Nose!

Babies’ spit-up flows out fairly gently without causing too much distress while vomit is forcefully expelled by stomach muscles contracting.

Couple burping their son.

Feeding and Eating

Help! My Baby Won’t Burp!

Burping babies isn’t foolproof, and you might find that your baby won’t burp! It could be that they just don’t need to.

Mother changing baby diapers


No, Diapers Don’t Expire—But Here’s When to Toss Them Anyway

Diapers are paper products and many don’t have an expiration date as they’ll never become harmful to your baby.

Cleaning toys.

Parenting, Toys

How To Clean Baby Toys: The Ultimate Guide

It’s essential to know how to clean baby toys safely and effectively to prevent them from becoming a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Wooden toys in a box.

Parenting, Toys

How To Clean Wooden Toys: Simple, Safe & Effective Tips

As long as you know how to clean wooden toys effectively, they should continue looking great for generations.

Baby in rocking bassinet.

Product Reviews

The 5 Best Rocking Bassinets of 2023

Every baby has their own preferences when it comes to being rocked. Choose a good rocking bassinet with a range of movements to cover all your bases.

Boy sitting in high chair.


How To Clean High Chair Straps of All Kinds

Dirty high chairs often harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat. Fortunately, they can be cleaned by hand, the washing machine, and even the dishwasher.

dirty squishy toys


How To Clean Squishy Toys: Tips For Every Type of Squishy Toy

Once you know how to clean squishy toys you'll have your foam, silicone, and fabric-covered squishy toys restored and clean in no time!

baby getting her hair cut


It’s Baby’s First Haircut! Here’s When and How to Do It Right

It's usually time for baby’s first haircut when they’re about a year old. Prepare for your baby’s haircut with roleplay, books, and plenty of distractions.

Girl potty training with her doll.

Potty Training, Product Reviews

The Best Potty Training Doll in 2023

A potty training doll is a fantastic way to speed up the potty training process and make it fun for your child.

boy sitting on potty

Potty Training

Late Potty Training: 9 Tips to Help

Potty training is most often delayed (over 3 years old) by strong-willed refusal, reminder resistance, toilet phobia, or a medical condition.