Jessica Holbrook, MSN, RN, CCRN

Jessica is a current ICU nurse and nurse writer with specialized certifications in pediatrics, life flight, and cardiac surgery. She has spent most of her healthcare career caring for medically complex and chronically ill pediatric patients. Her writing focuses on education of patients and families to help them make informed healthcare decisions.


Jessica graduated with her Masters of Science in Nursing from Weber State University, where she focused on hospital quality improvement and expanding access to healthcare for at-risk populations. Her masters thesis focused on health and wellness education for adolescents.


Before starting her career in healthcare, Jessica worked for years as a nanny and a high school sports coach. She spends her spare time trail running with her husband and baking with her daughter.

Jessica Holbrook
Pump breast milk by Automatic machine.


When Can I Stop Pumping at Night?

If you choose to pump exclusively, you will need to pump as often as your baby needs to eat. As they get older, you’ll be able to stop pumping at...

Mother with little baby daughter teething at home.

Health & Nutrition

Can Teething Cause Congestion? What Parents Should Know

Teething can cause gum pain, drooling, and rashes in babies. However, congestion, fevers, and diarrhea are not typical teething symptoms.

Breastfeeding mother keeps nursing pad.

Breastfeeding, Product Reviews

5 Best Breastfeeding Therapy Pads to Increase Milk Supply

Therapy pads can help breastfeeding mothers with pain, clogged ducts, and even milk supply. Find the best heating pad for breastfeeding moms right here.

Portrait infant baby girl is sucking fingers.


Help! Why Does My Baby Keep Sucking on Their Hand?

It's completely normal for babies to suck on their hand or thumb. Find out why your baby keeps sucking on their hand and what you can do about it.

Close Up Photo of Adorable Baby Sticking Out his TongueFace of curious newborn baby boy looking at the camera with with tongue sticking out while lying in bed at home.

Health & Nutrition

Why Is My Baby Sticking Their Tongue Out?

Babies have a tongue thrust reflex, which helps them breathe and swallow. However, some babies have problems that make them stick their tongues out too often.

Pregnant woman feel the sticky mucus plug come out on her underwear.


How to Speed Up Labor After Losing Your Mucus Plug

Losing your mucus plug can be an early sign of labor. You should see your healthcare provider if you lose your mucus plug before 37 weeks.

Curious baby turning head to side to side.

Health & Nutrition

Why Is My Baby Shaking Their Head From Side to Side?

Head shaking is a normal part of motor development for most babies. If other symptoms accompany it, you may need to seek medical advice.

Little newborn baby looking, baby with skin acne.

Health & Nutrition

Should You Try to Get Rid of Baby Acne?

Baby acne is small white or red bumps that appear on your baby’s skin. It usually clears up on its own without special treatments or creams.

Asian mother holding twin breast pump after feeding her child in the bedroom at home.


Breast Pumping Schedule: Creating One That Works for You

Whether you choose to pump exclusively or use a combination of breastfeeding and pumping, a breast pumping schedule can help you be successful.

Motherhood support, help for eating to young mother.


Gassy Foods to Avoid When Breastfeeding

The food you eat can pass from your digestive system into your breast milk. There are several gassy foods to avoid when breastfeeding to keep your baby comfortable.

Close Up of pregnant women having painful feelings in breast.


Mastitis in Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Mastitis in pregnancy is a rare cause of breast pain and discomfort. If identified early, it is easily treatable with antibiotics.

Close up of pregnant woman pushing and screaming.


Dealing With the “Ring of Fire” During Birth

Breathing techniques, position, and massage can all help you deal with the “ring of fire” during birth.