Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

A baby in a bumbo seat

Fine and Gross Motor

The Bumbo Baby Seat: Helping your baby join in

Learn about the Bumbo Baby Seat and find out why it's great for blind and disabled babies and toddlers who need help sitting up on their own.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

What’s genetic testing for LCA?

If you are considering genetic testing to determine the gene causing your child's LCA, you probably have lots of questions about the test as well as the results. We'll try...

a blue and red bird with a seed in its beak

Visual Impairment

Teaching Your Blind Child About Sexuality

How can you teach your blind child about sex? Pictures and descriptions aren't going to be enough. Learn how to teach about gender difference, right and wrong touch, and other...

Juice Bear

Feeding and Eating

Make Your Own Sippy Cup to Help Teach Straw Drinking

Learn how to make a small sippy cup out of household items that is easy for your child to hold and impossible to break!

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Tactile Arts and Crafts

Autumn Wreath Art Project

Learn how to make an autumn wreath sensory art project with your blind child. It's easy and fun!

Ivan with his parents in 2006

Visual Impairment

Raising a Blind Child

Here you'll find a step-by-step resource guide with the most pertinent articles and resources for parents of blind or disabled babies.

Ivan and Santa

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

Braille Letters from Santa

Learn how your blind child can receive a braille letter from Santa this Christmas and really feel like they are part of the celebration.

Making a simple Jack-O-Lantern

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

Make Your Own Simple Jack-O-Lantern

My favorite jack-o-lantern idea is to stick velcro stickers to the pumpkin and then mix and match felt shapes as the eyes and mouth. It's simple, there's no carving involved...

Blindskills logo

Visual Impairment

Blindskills, Inc.

Blindskills' mission is the dissemination of information to blind and visually impaired people and their families through DIALOGUE Magazine, a toll-free help line, a monthly local support group open to...


Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Glaucoma Service Foundation to Prevent Blindness

The Glaucoma Service Foundation’s mission is to preserve or enhance the health of all people with glaucoma.

LCB Logo

Schools for the Blind

Louisiana Center for the Blind

The Louisiana Center for the Blind provides residential orientation and adjustment training to legally blind adults. Students remain in training generally from six to nine months depending upon individual needs.

Alexa with her cane

Orientation and Mobility

Orientation and Mobility for Children

This site can assist with questions you may have regarding the use of the long white cane, the purpose of the cane, and the importance for individuals who are blind,...

PAVIC logo

Support, Visual Impairment

Parent Advocates for Visually Impaired Children (PAVIC)

Parent Advocates for Visually Impaired Children (PAVIC) is a large support network for parents and families of children who are blind or visually impaired.

black dog

Orientation and Mobility

Paws for Thought: Working with a Guide Dog

This blog is an online diary of training and working with guide dogs.

Perkins Products screenshot

Assistive Technology

Perkins Assistive Technology Store

Perkins Assistive Technology Store has expanded its focus to include a broad spectrum of high- and low-tech devices for individuals who are blind.