Schools for the Blind
Arizona School for the Blind
The Arizona School for the Blind (ASB) is accredited by AdvancED and provides quality educational services to students from pre-school through high school.
Schools for the Blind
Arkansas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
The Arkansas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired offers statewide quality educational programs and resources to students who are blind or visually impaired, birth through twenty-one
Communication, Special Needs
American Sign Language (ASL) Browser
The American Sign Language Browser allows you to choose any word starting with any letter and watch a short Quick Time video demonstration of that word being signed.
Eye Conditions and Syndromes
The Forever Fix: Gene Therapy and the Boy Who Saved It
The Forever Fix is a new book about Corey Haas, a little boy born blind with LCA. The book recounts his experiences with genetic therapy and how the therapy was...
Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment
Creating Sensory Activity Centers for Blind Children
Learn how to make an activity center for children with visual impairments. Using general hardware materials (like cardboard or peg-board) and other household items (like toys or kitchen utensils) you...
Building Toys Giveaway!
Blocks, pegs and pretend tool sets are simple, but are also really important to teaching spacial awareness, shapes and sorting, and fine motor skills. Enter to win some really fun...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
The GumDrop iPad Case
We review our favorite iPad case: the GumDrop. The GumDrop is perfect for kids with disabilities because it is nearly indestructible. Now you can feel comfortable handing your iPad to...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
iLoveFireworks App Review
This app is a winner in our house! Ivan loves iLoveFireworks because it makes BIG sounds with just the tap of his finger on the iPad screen. It's a great...
Perkins SMART Brailler Giveaway!
Enter to win an amazing new Perkins SMART Brailler! This revolutionary new brailler takes braille instruction to a whole new level! Giveaway ends October 5th.
Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Little Bear Sees: Tips & Ideas for Kids with CVI
From the creators of the first app for kids with CVI, Tap-n-See Zoo, comes the Little Bear Sees blog! Here you'll find all sorts of fun ideas for activities and...
iPad Apps Giveaway!
Enter to win our top five favorite paid apps for Apple's iPad! From creating music to helping with communication, these apps are perfect for young children with visual impairments.
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Tap-n-See Now App Review
Have you heard of the first app for iPad and iPhone created specifically for children with cortical visual impairment? It's pretty cool! Check out the Tap-n-See Now app for kids...
Puffer Balls
This simple ball is squishy and rubbery and makes a neat noise when you shake it. Great for helping with tactile defensiveness. If your child has light perception, you can...
iPad Apps and Accessibility, Music Play
ThumbJam Music App Review
ThumbJam is a simple music app that allows your child to make beautiful, clear sounds with their iPad. It features all sorts of advanced options for changing the sounds or...
Braille and Literacy, iPad Apps and Accessibility
Dr. Seuss’s ABC App Review
The iPad is the perfect platform to create interactive and accessible picture books for kids. Oceanhouse Media is doing just this with a large collection of Dr. Seuss books. Here's...