Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.



Braille Travel & Biography Book Giveaway!

This giveaway is for two braille-only books that would make great gifts for older kids who are avid readers: Sites Unseen: Traveling the World Without Sight and Louise Braille: A...



Print/Braille Book Giveaway!

Enter to win two print/braille books from National Braille Press: Corduroy and The Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes. Giveaway ends December 10, 2012.

Totally Silly Jokes


Funny Braille Book Giveaway!

Enter to win funny books in braille from National Braille Press: Totally Silly Jokes and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Giveaway ends December 10, 2012. This giveaway is now closed.

Love is a Superpower


Best Music of 2012 Giveaway!

Enter to win five amazing children's CDs all released in 2012: Love is a Superpower, Can You Canoe, Bubble Ride, Hot Dog and Space Rabbits of Brockelvoons.

Color Sensation


Visual SENSEation Bundle Giveaway!

Enter to win a Visual SENSEation Bundle from Playability Toys! You could win a Rib-it-Ball, 8 tactile coloring pages and a tactile twist and slide puzzle.

Never-Ending Stories


Never-Ending Stories Giveaway!

Enter to win three downloadable audio stories from Never-Ending Stories. You get to choose which three you want out of eleven possible choices.

touch and feel fire engine


Board Book Giveaway!

Enter to win three fun print/braille baby board books from Seedlings! Giveaway ends December 10th, 2012. This giveaway is now closed.

print/braille alphabet puzzle


Alphabet Flash Cards & Puzzle Giveaway!

Learning braille letters is just like learning print letters-kids need to have constant exposure to braille and if you can make it fun, even better!

No Button


The No Button

A very simple idea, but kind of ingenious at the same time, this button simply yells no! every time you press it.

a jack-o-lantern with vampire teeth

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

Make Your Own Teethy Pumpkin

Here's a fun and easy halloween pumpkin idea: use vampire teeth and sticky eye balls to make your jack-o-lantern's face! Kids will have fun helping and it's very tactile, too!

Ivan in his honey bee costume

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

Honey Bee Wheelchair Costume!

Find out how to make your very own honey bee wheelchair costume using a cardboard box to create the bee hive and a striped yellow and black shirt.

A Team Approach to CVI in Schools

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

A Team Approach to CVI in Schools

This downloadable PDF explains what CVI is in very easy to follow terms and develops a program that teachers and therapists can use to best teach students with CVI.



audiojack: Making movies with sound

audiojack allows you to listen to or create movies made entirely of sound. No words, no music, no images... just sounds. Download sound effects from their free library and create...

Sensory Sound Box

iPad Apps and Accessibility

Sensory Sound Box App Review

This is one of our favorite apps! Run your finger along the screen and listen to the tune change from high to low as a bright colorful explosion flows from...

Cause and Effect Sensory Light Box

iPad Apps and Accessibility

Sensory Light Box App Review

Sensory Light Box is a really well made cause-and-effect app that creates sounds and lights when your finger is on the screen, then stops when you remove your finger. The...