Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.


Braille and Literacy, iPad Apps and Accessibility

Braille Bee Spelling App Review

Braille Bee is a spelling app for kids who are blind including games for learning how to spell words in uncontracted and UEB contracted braille. Enter to win a free...

Jellyfish wheelchair costume

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

Make Your Own Jellyfish Wheelchair Costume

Looking for a fun wheelchair costume idea for Halloween? How about making your own jellyfish wheelchair costume... complete with lights!

7 Accessible Halloween Activities

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

7 Accessible Halloween Activities from Sensory Sun

Sensory Sun provides activities, curriculum and resources for families with kids who are blind or visually impaired, and their Halloween posts are really a treat!

A collection of wines


Wine for Moms of Blind Kids

A glass of wine with dinner helps iron out the stresses of the day for lots of moms, but us special needs moms have more stresses than most!

A group of four yellow labs

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Guide Dogs of America

Guide Dogs of America is dedicated to its mission to provide guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually impaired men and women

toy doll with guide dog

Advocacy, Toys

#ToyLikeMe Brings Disability Awareness to the Toy Box

#ToyLikeMe is bringing revolution to the toy box by advocating major toy companies to include representations of disabilities in their product lines.

Lily Grace with her SMART Brailler


SMART Brailler Giveaway!

Learn how to enter to win a brand new Perkins SMART Brailler for your child of classroom curtesy of Geno's World! Contest ends September 28th, 2016.

an unhappy orange cat

Parenting, Special Needs

8 things I am so done with as a special needs mom

It's hard to keep things together as a special needs family. I'm losing patience and I feel totally selfish for being so annoyed with the world, but I'm going to...

Chasing the sock thief cover art

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment

BlindArt Creative Tactile Books for Blind Preschoolers

BlindArt plans to develop a series of four tactile picture books for preschool children which follow the adventures of two silly characters.


Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society (PCVIS)

The mission of the Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society is to advocate for improvement in the quality of life of children with vision loss due to brain disorder, disease or...

child playing with EDA PLAY TOBY iPad app

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

EDA PLAY TOBY: Visual Training iPad App for Visually Impaired Kids

EDA PLAY TOBY is a free iPad app that can help visually impaired kids learn to use the vision they have. It's a great app for kids with CVI!

Reach Out and Teach

Visual Impairment

Reach Out and Teach: Helping Your Child Who is Visually Impaired Learn and Grow

The empowering guide that teaches parents how to promote the development of young children with visual and multiple impairments.

the Ballyland characters

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

Sonokids Software and Apps for Kids who are Visually Impaired

Sonokids is an Australian software company that creates accessible computer and app games for kids who are visually impaired.

A student with her iPad

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

5 Ways to Teach Your Blind Child How to Use an iPad

Tips to help you and your child who is visually impaired learn the basics of how the iPad works and how to use all the accessibility features it has to...

Ivan and family at first day of preschool

IEPs, Visual Impairment

IEP’s for Parents of Blind or Visually Impaired Children

Learn the basics of creating an IEP for a child with a visual impairment so you can walk in to your IEP meeting perfectly prepared.