Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

Our 20 Favorite iPad Apps for Kids with CVI

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, iPad Apps and Accessibility

Our 20 Favorite iPad Apps for Kids with CVI

The iPad is very interactive and easily tailored to suit the needs of kids with CVI, if you have the right apps. Here are our favorites!

happy baby


Please Don’t Feel Sorry for Me or My Special Needs Child

I don't want my friends or family to feel sorry for me or for my child. I'm not saying this in a tough "I can handle this so you don't...

Woman meditating on a dock


The one thing I haven’t learned as a special needs parent

A lot of people write about what they've learned as a special needs parent, but there's one thing I still haven't learned yet.

Braille alphabet tub

Braille and Literacy

Make Your Own Braille Alphabet Tubs

Make your own braille alphabet tubs using print/braille blocks and tactile items from around your home.

mom and baby

Visual Impairment

Can Someone Who is Blind Be a Parent?

The Parenting with Vision Loss series from VisionAware provides helpful tips and advice from a genuine expert.

boy using a slate and stylus

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment

Do Blind Kids Still Need to Learn Braille?

From screen readers like JAWS on your computer or VoiceOver on your iPhone to audio books and MP3s, there are multiple ways to listen to words rather than read them,...

little girl frowning in front of christmas tree

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

To the Special Needs Family Who Just Can’t Do Christmas This Year

A message for all the parents of special needs kids who just can't do Christmas this year: It's OK. Skip it.

Enter to win an iPad, SMART Brailler or LightAide


Spread the Love Giveaway!

Enter to win an iPad Air 2, a LightAide and a SMART Brailler! Contest will run until December 15th 2016. Good luck!

Braille Stickers for iOS Messaging

Braille and Literacy, iPad Apps and Accessibility

Braille Stickers for iOS Messaging

Check out these Braille Stickers for iOS Messaging available for download through Sensory Sun.

Homemade Light Box

Light Play, Sensory Activities

Best DIY Light Table Tutorials & Ideas

Have you ever considered making your own light table or light box? Here you'll find five of the best DIY light table tutorials, ranked from the more difficult and complex...

adapted puppy toy with red switch

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

Santa’s Little Hackers: Free Adapted Toys for Kids with Disabilities

Santa's Little Hackers is a seasonal toy drive to adapt toys. They make simple modifications to the electronics of toys and give them away.

Rib It Ball


Special Needs Rib It Ball from Playability Toys

The Rib It Ball is a large inflatable ball that is light, easy to hold on to (because of those "ribs" along the ball) and comes in bright contrasting primary...

Sensory Sun Logo

Visual Impairment

Sensory Sun Resources for Kids Who are Visually Impaired

Sensory Sun Educational Technologies is a website that shares information about raising and teaching children with visual impairments.

two friends having coffee


An Open Letter to the Mom Who Just Wants to Help

Remember that you're my friend, not my therapist.

fun fall activities

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Tactile Arts and Crafts, Visual Impairment

Fall Sensory Art Projects for Visually Impaired Kids

Choose from five wonderfully crafty art projects adapted for blind children that celebrate fall! Make prints and wreaths with apples and leaves, create your own tree, or decorate pumpkins!