Never-Ending Stories Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed and the winner has been contacted. Congratulations to Celeste and thank you to everyone who entered!
Audio stories can be a great way to introduce literacy and story telling to your child. We also love audio stories for long road trips in the car!
Never-Ending Stories are the creations of Lesley Potgieter who both writes and records fun and original audio stories for children of all abilities. She says that, “Never-Ending Stories aims to encourage children to grow up with a love for reading and books. I wanted to help them realize that the greatest adventures are the ones that happen without you even knowing. The idea is that stories are endless and can be retold countless times, that in fact each time a story is read or reread you learn something new.”
From stories about germs to stories about hippos, Lesley can bring anything to life! In this giveaway you can choose three of Lesley’s eleven stories to download directly to your computer. You could learn more about Gerald the Germ and his battle with the body’s protection system led by Annie Antibody and Ian Immuno, or maybe get to know Harriet the Hippo and her friends at the Swanzi watering hole. Each story is followed by questions that enhance the listening experience and help you lead your child in a conversation about what they just listened to.
Would you like to win three downloadable Never-Ending Stories for your child? We’re giving three stories away to a very lucky family! Entering this giveaway is easy. Simply send me an email letting me know that you want to enter this contest or leave a comment below. I’ll be accepting entries until December 10th at midnight.

Rules for the Never-Ending Stories Giveaway:
There will be one winner for this giveaway. We can only ship in the US and Canada.
Would you like to earn one extra entry? You can do one of the following…
- Like WonderBaby on Facebook;
- Follow WonderBaby on Pinterest;
- Follow WonderBaby on Twitter;
- Post about the contest on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest;
- Or post about this contest on your own blog or website.
Be sure to send me an email or leave a comment to let me know what you did for your extra entry.
This contest will end December 10th at midnight. The winner will be chosen at random and contacted on December 11th. If the winner does not respond within 5 days a new winner will be chosen.
Good luck!
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