WonderBaby.org is a community site, and this means that we love to hear from YOU! WonderBaby readers are welcome to share their favorite online resources by emailing us.
Each year, we see a ton of really interesting and exciting resources shared on this website, and visitors to the site can vote for the resources they like the best. Below are the 20 most popular resources shared in 2015!
Boon Snug: Cool cup lids make any adult glass into a spill-proof glass for kids. Just snap on the lid, add a straw and you’re ready to go!
10 Things You Should Know about Feeding Therapy: Feeding resources were big this year! Friendship Circle’s article on feeding therapy includes where to find help, assessment and therapy, as well as the family dynamics of it all, and the big one – patience!
EazyHold Grip Assist Strap: Another great feeding resource! EazyHold is a simple but innovative grip assist strap that easily attaches to tools, toys, utensils and more.
CVI on APH: The Conversation Continues: A resource for research articles, books, websites, blogs, strategies as well as support for parents, teachers, university faculty and students working with children diagnosed with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI).
Creative Care Safe Spaces: This company based in the UK makes solidly constructed spaces and beds to keep special needs children safe in their rooms. The stand-alone structure, which looks a little like a tall Pack-n-Play, is easy to assemble and is padded all over.
Diagram Center from Benetech: The Diagram Center is a great online resource with multiple tools and information for creating accessible images and graphics for children with visual impairments.
Be My Eyes: Lend Your Eyes to the Blind: This iPhone app allows visually impaired users to connect with sighted users in real time in order to receive assistance with simple tasks.
When a parent is blind, it’s natural for people to wonder how their sighted child will adapt. Will they struggle to understand their parent’s needs? Will they feel burdened by...
May We Help is dedicated to designing and building custom solutions that help individuals of all ages achieve mobility, access, and independence, all at no cost.
Everything from alphabet blocks to raised line coloring pages and activity books to puzzles to card and board games... and so much more! And it's all in braille ready for...