Make Your Own Simple Jack-O-Lantern

Making a simple Jack-O-Lantern

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If your child is very young or has limited fine-motor abilities, you may be looking for a simple Halloween Jack-O-Lantern project that will get them involved in the holiday spirit.

Our Halloween pumpkin is super easy to put together, fun to change throughout the Halloween season, and just about anybody can do it. No cutting or scooping required!

This is an easy project that will take you only minutes. Here’s the simple how-to…

What You’ll Need:


Making Your Halloween Pumpkin

  1. Wipe down your pumpkin and make sure the surface is clean. Let dry.
  2. Cut three small pieces of velcro tape and attach the hook part of the tape to the pumpkin in the locations of the eyes and nose.
  3. Cut out fun shapes made of felt and let your child experiment with placing the shapes on the pumpkin. The fun part is that they can always change the pumpkin’s face later.


Playing with Your Pumpkin

Now that you have a simple template to play with, let your child explore the pumpkin, find the velcro tape, and experiment with different felt shapes.

You can add lots of velcro tape or just the three spots to represent eyes and nose, it’s completely up to you.

Happy Halloween and have a fun and safe night trick-or-treating with the kids!

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