Make Your Own Bottle Holder!

baby with a bottle

Using some very simple tools and taking all of about ten minutes, you can make your own bottle holder out of bright and contrasting colored fabric.

If your child is visually impaired, encourage him to use what little sight he has by covering his bottle in a fun, soft holder.

Ivan with his bottle holder

Here’s how…


What You’ll Need:

  • Fabric, velcro, batting, scissors, thread, and other tools you'll need.bright, contrasting fabric (cut about 12 1/2″ x 10 1/2″)
  • batting, cut to half the dimensions of your fabric
  • velcro, about 4 1/2″ long
  • a bottle (for measuring)
  • sewing machine, scissors, thread, etc


Sewing Your Bottle Holder

  1. Once you’ve picked out your fabric, cut it to fit your baby’s favorite bottle (ours is cut about 12 1/2 x 10 1/2″). Leave an extra inch along each side for batting and turning. Cut your batting to half the dimensions of your fabric.
  2. Fabric and batting sewn together.

  3. With right sides together, fold fabric in half. Pin batting to fabric and sew along three sides, leaving fourth open for turning.
  4. Trim batting, clip edges, and turn. Sew fourth end closed. If you want, sew lines along the holder to keep batting in place (if your sewing machine does any fancy stitches, you can do a zig-zag or other neat trim).
  5. Finally, sew on velcro and you’re done!

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