Developmental Duffle Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed and the winner has been contacted. Congratulations to the winner and thank you to everyone for entering!
Here’s an idea: What if you could request a bag full of developmental toys appropriate for your child and hand-picked by educational professionals, like a school psychologist an occupational therapist and a speech and language pathologist?
And what if you could choose your bag based on your child’s needs? Like maybe a sensory bag, fine motor skills bag or even a holiday bag?
That sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it? Well, guess what? You can!
Developmental Duffle does just this. You can choose bags based on developmental age or needs and all the toys in the bag are chosen specifically to be appropriate for the focus of the bag.
And the toys in the bag are really neat! In the Taking Care of Senses Duffle Bag, for example, you’ll find toys that stimulate all the senses, from a Sands Alive molding kit (touch) to a Monkey Balance Board (vestibular) and Ocean Drum (hearing)… and a lot more!
But one thing that makes these duffles so special is that you don’t just get the toys, you also get a series of activity cards with a ton of ideas that will help your child experience the most out of the toys, so you’re not left on your own to figure out what to do. It’s all there ready for you!
Don’t want to wait for the giveaway?
You can get your Developmental Duffle NOW by using promocode WonderBaby at checkout for 10% off!
Expires January 1, 2016.
The people at Developmental Duffle have generously given WonderBaby one of their Explore My World Duffle Bags, a $249.00 value, to give away to one lucky reader for free! All the toys are appropriate for kids who are visually impaired and all the activities are written for children who have visual impairments.
In this duffle you’ll get:
- Wooden Braille and Letter Alphabet Blocks, Plan Toys
- Baby Paper Triangle Design, Baby Paper
- Busy Baby Buzz’r (Sea Turtle), IQ Baby
- Rings, Kid-O
- Pop Pop Piano, Patch Products
- Zig Zag Xylo Train, Patch Products
- Activity Tower, Ambi
- Activity Case, Ambi
- Shape Puzzle, Melissa and Doug
Would you like to win your very own Explore My World Duffle Bag? Entering this giveaway is easy. Simply use the widget below to enter. We’ll be accepting entries until December 10th, 2015. Good luck!
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