Colors, Literacy and Social Play

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By Betsy Caridi
This lesson plan from Ox Ridge Elementary School shows how the LightAide can be used in a second grade classroom to make story time accessible to all the students while also encouraging social interaction amongst peers of various abilities.
Background Knowledge
- Student is very familiar with The Rainbow Book, so her knowledge of the flow of the text is helpful in allowing her just to enjoy the activity.
- Knows basic information about when we see rainbows.
- Knows that colors are all different.
- Knows the function of the switch.
- Participates in socialization groups with second grade peers.
Lesson Objective
This lesson addresses both the core curriculum and the expanded core curriculum for Blind and Visually Impaired Children and Youth. Areas of the core curriculum addressed in this lesson include literacy, science and mathematics. Areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum addressed in this lesson include compensatory and functional academics, communication, social interaction, independent living, recreation/leisure, use of assistive technology, sensory efficiency, and self-determination.
The overall objective of this lesson is to increase visual efficiency as the student enjoys an early literacy activity while engaging in social interactions with student’s grade level peers. This will be accomplished via an activity presented on Lily LightAide. This fun, interactive activity allows the student to take turns with her peers, practice motor skills by reaching to activate the switch, communicate her level of enjoyment through engagement, laughter and vocalizations. Another important objective is to help the typically developing peers understand and accept the student’s unique skills and contributions as a second grade learner!
Student will be assessed on the lesson objective through level of engagement, sustained ability to look at Lily LightAide, ability to vocalize during her turn, ability to activate switch, as needed, and most importantly, success will be measured as the students demonstrate interest and enjoyment of the LightAide.
- Lily LightAide Make a Rainbow Activity
- Small switch
- Hand-held rainbow shapes of each color of the rainbow
- The Rainbow Book
Procedure/Learning Activities
- Once students are situated in chairs, introduce Lily LightAide. Tell them about what she is able to do, and demonstrate a couple of features.
- Begin discussion by asking students what they know about rainbows. Ask open ended questions, as well as yes/no questions so ALL students are able to answer in whatever way they can.
- Pass out Rainbow shapes on sticks — one for each student.
- Explain that as we get to each color in The Rainbow Book, each student can interactively hold up their color until we have introduced all colors of the rainbow.
- Introduce read aloud: The Rainbow Book. “Today we are going to read a story about a rainbow and how each color of the rainbow makes us feel. The title of the story is called The Rainbow Book.”
- As each color in the book is introduced, have child with visual impairment reach out to hit her switch attached to Lily LightAide in order to display the corresponding colored arch of the rainbow. Allow all students to interact with Lily LightAide by touching the screen, if desired.
- As each color is introduced, have brief discussion about the feelings each color brings about “When I feel red, I am fiery and bold!” Notice student’s reaction to each color as it is introduced, as this will bring about additional discussion regarding favorite colors. “I noticed that you smiled really big when we talked about purple! Is purple your favorite color?”
- After each page have student vocalize to teacher to turn pages.
- Be sure that as each student holds up their rainbow color, it is visible to student with visual impairment.
- Review of Literature – Rainbows are beautiful when we see them in the sky after it rains! They make us feel lots of different emotions!
Lesson Closure
- Allow student to scroll through the colors on Lily LightAide numerous times — as long as she is able to visually sustain this activity. Also allow other students to take a turn activating Lily, so they can see how fun it is!
- Finish activity by collecting hand-held rainbows, thanking Lily LightAide for helping us to see the colors of the rainbow in a bright, beautiful way.
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