
Learn how to advocate for medical, educational and governmental support at both a local and state level for your child with special needs.

10 dollar bill


Changes Coming to Make US Currency Accessible

What's your opinion of the need for accessible currency in the US? Should we change our money so that it's accessible to the blind?

Ivan with his father on father's day

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Person First Language: “Child Who is Blind” or “Blind Child”

Have you thought about how you refer to your child? Do you say, "my blind baby" or "my baby who is blind"? Does it matter?

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Awareness T-Shirts for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Check out these childhood blindness Awareness T-Shirts from Eye Power Kid's Wear! Express yourself and raise awareness for your cause!

Nancy Shugart on stage for her TED talk.

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Learning to Overcome Fear and Not Give Up When Growing Up Blind

Nancy Shugart talks about growing up with vision issues and how that affected the choices she made going into adulthood. This TED talk is about learning to live without fear.

Ivan reading the book

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

What to Read When you Learn your Baby is Blind

A list of books (and videos) that parents of blind & visually impaired children should read (and watch). We've listed only the best of the best here so you can...


Advocacy, Support

Friends Helping Friends: Why Special Needs Parents Have to Rely on Each Other

Where can parents of children with special needs find the services, resources and programs designed to help them? Noelia says most of her information comes from other parents.

Lesley with her husband


Learning to Forge my Own Identity while Living with Cerebral Palsy

Lesley Potgieter writes about how it can be difficult to live up to mainstream standards as a person with disabilities. She encourages parents to help their children create their own...

blind students exploring employment

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Helping Your Blind Child Transition to Adult Services

Beth Jordan from Helen Keller National Center's Kansas office shares her insights into preparing for transition to adult services for blind students.

Social Worker helping a blind child to get services

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Fighting for Services for Your Blind Child

Why is it so hard to find good help? In many states, services for visually impaired children, though mandated through strict federal laws, are very hard to come by. Many...

students reading braille in a classroom

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Bringing Blindness Awareness to the Sighted Classroom

We'll give you some tips on how to teach sighted children about blindness so they can interact with their blind classmates.

Letting Your Child's Wild Side Out

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Letting Your Blind Child’s Wild Side Out

Milagro is an active growing five year-old who is also visually impaired. Her self-confidence and adventurous spirit is no accident. Her mother Graciela believes in letting a child's wild side...

Ivan in his dad's hat

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

What Will I Be When I Grow Up? Career Choices for People who are Blind

Are you worried that your blind baby won't grow up to be independent and successful? We'll show you careers your blind child can look forward to.