Caroline’s Cart: Shopping with a Special Needs Child

Caroline's Cart

Caroline’s Cart is the brilliant idea of Drew Ann Long. She has developed an accessible shopping cart designed specifically for larger children and adults with low muscle tone and multiple disabilities. If your child is too big for a standard shopping cart at your grocery store then you probably know how badly this cart is needed.

What if you could put your child in a forward facing cart with a five-point harness that supports their body and feet? What if they could be an active part of your shopping and learn more about this everyday activity? Wouldn’t that be amazing?

If you want to learn more about Caroline’s Cart, watch this YouTube video or download this Spec Sheet. I’ve printed a few copies of this sheet and keep it in my car. When we visit a store that needs an accessible shopping cart we drop the sheet off with the manager. You can help spread the word by doing the same thing in your community!

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