

Arizona School for the Blind

The Arizona School for the Blind (ASB) is accredited by AdvancED and provides quality educational services to students from pre-school through high school.

Demostration of ASL Browser

American Sign Language (ASL) Browser

The American Sign Language Browser allows you to choose any word starting with any letter and watch a short Quick Time video demonstration of that word being signed.

looking at jellyfish

Little Bear Sees: Tips & Ideas for Kids with CVI

From the creators of the first app for kids with CVI, Tap-n-See Zoo, comes the Little Bear Sees blog! Here you’ll find all sorts of fun ideas for activities and toys for children and babies with CVI, from lights and switches to (my favorite) a trip to the aquarium!

puffer balls

Puffer Balls

This simple ball is squishy and rubbery and makes a neat noise when you shake it. Great for helping with tactile defensiveness. If your child has light perception, you can get one with a light inside that makes it glow.

Whack-a-Mole Tower

Whack-a-Mole Tower

Find out about this whack-a-mole game that develops hand-eye coordination in kids with low vision. It’s fun and there are lots of blinking lights and ringing bells for encouragement!

Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters

Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters

NASA has created a tactile book about the moon titled Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters. You can also download the text or audio versions of the book for free from their website.

Accessible Candy Land

Accessible Candy Land!

Learn how to make an accessible version of your kids’ Candy Land game that is perfect for children with visual impairments.