
stem cells

Stem Cells, the Nobel Prize and Future Research

What does the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine have to do with diseases of the retina? Maybe nothing, at first, but Dr Yamanaka’s work with stem cells (specifically induced pluripotent stem cells) may have wide-reaching benefits for researchers working on curing degenerative retinal diseases.

A man using a brailler

National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program

The idea behind the National Deafblind Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP) is that people with combined hearing and vision loss should have access to modern telecommunication tools (and the training necessary to use them) so that they can interact, communicate, use the internet and contribute more to their community.

two babies

Calling All Moms of Blind Kids!

Sonja Biggs is looking for mothers of blind children to participate in a study on school skills. Sonja would like to see how mothers prepare their blind children for school.

A man using EyeMusic reaches for an apple

EyeMusic: Seeing with Sound

EyeMusic is a sensory substitution device that turns visual data into music so that blind users can hear what’s around them. Users of EyeMusic wear glasses with a small video camera mounted on the frame. The camera scans the images in front of the user then transmit music back through an ear piece.

United Healthcare Children's Foundation

Medical Grants to Cover Health Care Treatments

The United Healthcare Children’s Foundation is seeking grant applications from families in need of financial assistance to help pay for their child’s health care treatments, services or equipment not covered by their health insurance plan. Find out if you’re eligible and how to apply!

SMART Brailler

Perkins Unveils the SMART Brailler

Perkins Products introduces their revolutionary new brailler: The SMART Brailler. This new brailler has a small computer screen attached to the front of it so you can see (in both braille and print) what’s being typed on the screen. Perfect for parents who are learning along with their kids! The computer can also speak to you while you type and save and edit files, transfer files and create multiple users.

Seizure Sensor

An EEG Watch?

Can a watch-like sensor replace the EEG? Researchers say that this watch can detect seizure activity by measuring sympathetically mediated electrodermal activity which has been suggested as containing enough information to profile a seizure. They say they can even predict seizures with this watch.

Screenshot of video on CNN

Braille Keyboard for Smartphones

Watch a video of an app developer demonstrating his new braille keyboard app on an iPhone. The new app will allow blind users to type using a touch screen.